• Show Date: 03/12/2017
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Elaine Bogart Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Woolwich Bexley & District Canine Association

I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge Irish wolfhounds at this Open Show, and to the exhibitors for entering under me.

Puppy (1) 

1st. Kilmacduagh Aednat. 9 month old brindle bitch. Still very raw, as I would expect at this age. Delightful temperament and really enjoyed her day out. Sweet expression with a nice dark eye. Correct length of neck into fair shoulders. Well balanced, having the correct height to length ratio. Back well ribbed with a nice tuck up. Shapely rear quarters and nice tight feet. Front movement a little loose, this should tighten up as she matures. Best Puppy and PG2.

Post Graduate (5, 3ab)

1st. Lonnkyle Penance At Bokra (Imp Can). 20 month old dark brindle bitch. Well presented and sympathetically handled. Nicely furnished head with a kind expression. Lovely rosed ears carried well. Plenty of forechest. Good front assembly with elbows well set under. Shapely underline. Strong curvy hindquarters with plenty of width and muscle. Good feet, well padded . A beautifully balanced bitch. Moved well after she got herself going, and held her top line. BOB. HG3.

2nd. Mascotts Story Time. 15 month tall and rangy brindle boy. Different in type to 1 and not as balanced. Masculine head carried high. Good length of muzzle and correct dentition. Dark eye. Strong neck of correct length into good shoulders. Deep chest, plenty of lung room. Well sprung ribs, good length to rib cage, correct tuck up. Stands a little bum high at present, will need time to fill his large frame. Well muscled hindquarters. I would prefer less coat to appreciate his true shape. Moved well when he got himself together and covered a lot of ground. RBOB.

Open (4, 2abs).

1st.Rivenhounds Bonfire At Kilmacduagh. 5 year old brindle bitch. This bitch has come into her prime. Feminine head with gentle expression. Well held ears. Strongly arched neck into muscular shoulders, set correct. Deep chest, back well ribbed. Strong, correctly arched loin. Plenty of width throughout and moved with power, purpose and an easy action. Well handled. 

2nd. Hibeck Miss Dior. Grey bitch, who will be 7 in April, shown in splendid condition for her age. An honest type of hound, well presented. Nicely furnished head, well proportioned. Good length of neck into sound front. Longer cast than 1. Back well ribbed, deep chest. Good bend of stifle, plenty of width and muscle. Hocks well let down. Not quite the strength of 1 but moved steadily around the ring.

Elaine Bogart (Incitatus)