- Show Date: 01/12/2018
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Jackie Mavro-Michaelis Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
British Utility Breeds Association
BUBA 2018
I would like to thank the committee of BUBA for inviting me to judge this prestigious show and my two stewards who stepped in at short notice to help me. They certainly made it all run smoothly which was essential with such a large entry.
Most of all I would like to thank all those exhibitors who entered under me and allowed me put my hands on their lovely dogs. All the dogs were impeccably behaved and did both their owners and the breed credit. The were many beautiful dogs and I had to make some difficult decisions in many classes.
If any of you have not read the Kennel Club “Points of Concern for Special Attention by Judges” for our breed I would advise you to do so. It provides an excellent checklist of health concerns that should be taken into consideration in any breeding programme.
My particular concerns were the prevalence of minute tails or lack of; pinched or even stenosed nostrils; an increase in the number of dogs with prominent eyes and a tendency now to over-wrinkling.
When I last judged I was delighted to see an improvement in tails. The breed standard asks for one and describes it clearly. It is well over a decade since we started to try to make them a priority in the breed but I saw little evidence of that this time. To keep saying it will take years to breed them back in is becoming a poor excuse. The tail is an important part of the spine and is required.
Many judges have commented on the nostrils. After jogging round the ring there were no signs of dogs in respiratory distress which was encouraging. However, that does not mean that there was no sign of BOAS in some dogs. The BOAS test is readily available so please use it and consider the results carefully when breeding.
With the problems now facing our breed ,it behoves those who care to ensure that the dogs who will take the breed forward in the future are the healthiest possible and are excellent examples of the standard.
1st Mrs M Jennings - Cossy’s Rag N’ Bone Man - 6 month old well balanced brindle with good bone. Square head with correct ear placement, dark round eyes, correct stop and well open nostrils. Broad jaw with good dentition. Straight front with tight feet and black nails, good turn of stifle in hindlegs. Deep chest and excellent spring of rib and good cut-up. Nice reach of neck and gentle roach. Small correct loose tail. Moved with purpose round the ring. Certainly one to watch.
2nd Mr B & Miss S Bicket & Cross - Yesser De El Mencey Loco (Imp Esp) - 8 month old dark brindle with plenty of bone and well balanced. Lovely broad head with correct ear placement, round eyes and great jaw. Straight front and good turn of stifle in rear. Deep chest and good spring of rib with super cut-up. Correct topline leading to good tail. Moved out well round the ring. A lovely puppy and again one to watch. I just preferred the overall outline of 1
3rd Miss S L Phillips - Poison D’Acebo Character
1st Miss S Seffer - Boule & Onuba Sir Kaiser Catrelma (Imp Esp) NAF RDCC BP - What can I say about this lovely dog. 10 month old cobby dark brindle extremely well balanced with excellent bone and substance. Super square masculine head with broad skull and correct ear placement. Dark round eyes and correct stop. Broad jaw and muzzle with very good dentition. Straight front and good turn of stifle to the rear. Wonderful deep chest and spring of rib with good cut-up. Strong neck and correct toppling maintained on the move. Small correct tail. Super movement driving from the rear. I was delighted to see him go BPIS.
2nd Mr R Darrah - Turul Avis Fee Fi Fo Fum - Unlucky to have come up against 1 today. 9 month old fawn dog again well-balanced with good bone and substance. Square head with dark eyes and correct ear placement. Excellent broad jaw and dentition. Deep chest with dog spring of rib and cut-up. Straight front and tight feet. Good depth of chest and spring of rib and nice cut-up. Good reach of neck and correct topline. Small tail. Correct rear angulation. Moved out well round the ring.
3rd Ms M Coffey - Ascensions Winston of Raglenary
This was easily one of the strongest classes of the day with many lovely dogs.
1st Mr R, Mrs M & Mrs J D Smith & Pratt - Catrelma Petit Ceateau Avec Khanin DCC BOB - Beautiful well-balanced cobby 13 month old brindle pied dog of excellent proportions who just catches the eye. Lovely square masculine head with dark round eyes showing no white. Super wide nostrils. Broad skull and superb ear carriage and placement. Broad jaw and muzzle with super dentition. Lovely straight front and tight feet with black claws. Deep chest and good spring of rib and cut-up. Super reach of neck and correct topline maintained on the move. Strong rear with good angulation and small tail. Moved round the ring with drive and purpose. I was surprised to see his breeder was the RDCC’s owner.
2nd Mrs L Gura-Mallon - Celticlibrid McGregor - Another lovely cobby dog with much promise. 11 month old brindle with superb strong, square masculine head with broad skull, muzzle and jaw with excellent dentition. Round dark eyes and correct ear-placement. Not quite width of chest as 1 but still had good depth. Lovely cut-up. Straight front and tight feet. Good reach of neck and correct topline maintained on the move. Small tail. Good rear angulation. Moved swiftly round the ring.
3rd Ms A Pleasance - Katakia Last Man Standing
1st Ms M Coffey - Feniton Frederick At Raglenary - 23 month old dark brindle of good size. Lovely broad head with flat skull and correct ear placement. Round dark eyes. Broad jaw and muzzle with good dentition. Good depth of chest and spring of rib and correct topline. Nice reach of neck. Nice turn of stifle. Small tail. Moved well round the ring.
2nd Mrs H Gracie - Summergate Guilty Secret - 18 month old brindle of good proportions. Beautiful square head with correct ear placement and dark eyes. Would have preferred slightly wider nostrils. Lovely spring of rib and depth of chest. Correct topline but slightly longer in loin than 1. Nice rear angulation. Moved and shown well.
3rd Mr N Fiddes - Rozeldougue Lorde
1st Miss M Stidwell - Lairdstom Oban Bay Boy At Beaufrogz - 17 month old well balanced brindle pied. Good square head with broad jaw and good dentition.Dark round eyes and lovely ear placement. Open nostrils. Straight front and tight feet. Good depth of chest, spring of rib and cut-up. Super reach of neck and gently roached topline maintained on the move.Small tail. Nice rear angulation. Moved out well round the ring. Delighted to see him shortlisted in the Special Beginners Group.
2nd Mr T & Mrs P Small - Merimna’s Over The Moon - 2 year old well balanced fawn with excellent bone and slightly smaller proportions than 1. Super square head with dark eyes and correct ear placement. Broad jaw and muzzle with good dentition. Straight front and tight feet. Excellent depth of chest and spring of rib. Strong hind quarters and with super rear angulation. Small tail. Slightly more level topline than 1. Moved out well round the ring.
3rd Mr M & Mrs Y Ayriss - Boulevaya Another Fine Mess
1st Mrs S Pearce - Bullhawk Rasputin - 22 month old beautifully balanced brindle cobby dog with super bone and substance. Super square head with correct ear placement and dark eyes. Broad skull and strong jaw with excellent dentition. Super wide nostrils. Straight front leading to tight feet. Great depth of chest and spring of rib. Good reach of neck and correct gentle roach to back. Good cut-up and strong hind quarters with good angulation. Correct tail. Moved with drive round the ring. Really pushed the CC and Res CC winners hard for an award.
2nd Miss J Howarth - Gizyjo Sting Like A Bee - 2 year old handsome well balanced brindle dog who was by far one of the best movers of the day. Super masculine, square head with lovely ear placement which he unfortunately failed to use to advantage. Round dark eyes. Broad jaw and muzzle with correct dentition. Straight front with good bone and tight feet. Great depth of chest and spring of rib. Nice reach of neck and correct topline. Strong hind quarters with good angulation. Small correct tail. Drove round the ring with excellent forward reach for a French Bulldog. I hope he starts to settle more in the ring.
3rd Miss S Scott - Amuelle Little Tom Thumb SHCM
1st Mr D & Miss A, Mr A & Mrs L Cund & Harrop - Ch Chelmbull The Aviator - Well balanced, cobby brindle dog. Excellent square head with broad skull, dark eyes, good ear placement and wide jaw and muzzle with good dentition. Straight front with good bone and tight feet. Nice reach of neck and correct topline. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Correct rear angulation. Small tail. Moved out well and with confidence round the ring and handled and shown to perfection. Just felt he lacked his normal “sparkle” today.
2nd Mr P & Mr I Conway & Chapman - Norcairn Fabulous Frank - Another lovely balanced, cobby dog with excellent bone and substance, slightly shorter than 1. Fawn pied with great dark eyes showing no white. Masculine square head with great ear placement. Broad jaw and muzzle with good dentition. Open nostrils. Straight front with good bone and tight feet. Good reach of neck and correct topline. Strong hindquarters with good angulation. Very small tail. Super depth of chest and spring of rib. Moved out well round the ring and excellently handled.
3rd Mr T & Mrs P Small - Merimna’s Better Than Words
1st Miss M Stidwell - Lairdstom Oban Boy At Beaufrogz BSB (See Post Graduate class for critique)
2nd Miss S L Phillips - Poison D’Acebo Character - 6 month old brindle developing well. Square head with good width of skull. Dark round eyes and correct ear placement. Super wide nostrils. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Straight front and tight feet, Nice reach of neck and gently roached topline. Good rear angulation and good tail. Moved well round the ring.
3rd Mrs R Cassidy - Chinaskys Charlie Bucket
1st Miss S Mitchell - Caslblaks Mental Maid - Feminine, well balanced 12 month old cobby fawn with good bone and lovely feminine expression. Square head with round dark eyes, open nostrils and good ear placement. Broad jaw and muzzle with good dentition. Super deep chest and spring of rib and cut-up. Straight front and tight feet. Nice reach of neck and correct topline with small tail. Good hindquarters with nice turn of stifle. Moved out round the ring with drive.
2nd Ms K Thornton - Lady Prancelot - Another sweet girl. 9 month old brindle. Square head with good earset, dark eyes and feminine expression. Good jaw and dentition. Straight front and good depth of chest and spring of rib.Correct topline leading to small tail. Good turn of rear stifle. Just preferred the overall balance and bone of 1.
3rd Miss B K & Mr M J Rashleigh & Richards - Poison D’Acebo Edenspring (Imp Esp) NAF TAF
1st Messrs JR & RJ Brooks & Cairns - Corursus Under The Ivy - Very sweet 6 month old brindle pied girl with a superb clear white coat. Beautiful and cobby and already has excellent bone. Lovey square head with broad skull, super ear placement and dark round eyes showing no white and feminine appearance. Strong jaw and broad muzzle with good dentition. Straight front and tight feet. Super depth of chest and spring of rib. Gentle roach to back leading to excellent low- set tail. Hindquarters strong with good angulation. Moved round the ring with drive. One definitely to watch.
2nd Miss Z & Miss K Smith & Watt - Calaveys Fenella At Rischale - Another beautiful feminine puppy. 6 month old brindle with square head, dark eyes, correct ear placement and super open nostrils. Lovely strong jaw and broad muzzle. Good reach of neck. Straight front with tight feet and black nails. Super deep chest and good spring of rib and cut-up. Correct topline and very small tail. Strong hindquarters with good angulation. Moved well round the ring.
3rd Mr D & Miss A, Mr R & Mrs L Cund & Harrop - Daulokkes Sauvage Rose At Chelmbull (Imp DNK) NAF TAF
1st Mr & Mrs J Krall - Jafrak Putting On The Charm - 9 month old cobby, well balanced fawn with excellent bone and substance. Lovely square head with feminine expression. Broad skull, lovely round dark eyes and correct earset. Broad jaw and muzzle with excellent dentition. Straight front with tight feet and good bone. Lovely reach of neck and gently roached topline. Good depth of chest, spring of rib and tuck-up. Strong hindquarters with good angulation. Lovely small tail. Moved round the ring with drive. Shows great promise and definitely one to watch.
2nd Mrs H Gracie - Summergate Cornelia - 11 month old cobby brindle. Strong square head with sweet feminine expression and beautiful dark round eyes. Correct ear placement. Broad jaw with good dentition. Straight front and tight feet. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Nice reach of neck and very slightly more level topline than 1. Super hindquarters with great angulation. Small low set tail. Moved out well.
3rd Miss O Timms - Eastonite Moana
1st Mrs N Asiamah - Flurry Megrim Bull Nasanga (Imp) - Beautiful 16 month old fawn, cobby and well balanced with good bone and substance. Square, strong yet feminine head with correctly placed ears, dark round eyes and broad jaw. Super open nostrils. Great depth of chest and spring of rib and good cut-up. Straight front and tight feet . Strong hindquarters with nice angulation. Very small tail. Moved out well round the ring. Much to like.
2nd Miss M Porter - Tartanpride Pleasure Me - Another lovely 16 month old fawn with many of the attributes of 1 and who pushed hard for 1st place. Cobby and with good bone. Square head with gentle feminine expression. Dark round eyes, correctly placed ears. Broad jaw and nice reach of neck. Straight front and tight feet. Excellent depth of chest and spring of rib. Gently roached topline and small tail. Good hindquarters and nice angulation. Moved out with drive and handled very well.
3rd Mrs D Garratt - Marchmanor Hot Or Wot
1st Mr S J Layton - Louwrights Ma Belle At Kingfriend - 17 month old cobby brindle with good bone and substance. Square head with sweet feminine expression. Super ear placement. Dark round eyes and good width of jaw and excellent dentition. Good open nostrils. Straight front and tight feet, Lovely reach of neck. Super spring of rib and depth of chest. Gently roached topline leading to very small tail. Good hindquarters with nice angulation. Moved out well round the ring.
2nd Miss S Seffer - Boule & Onuba Rachelle Catrelma (Imp Esp) JW - 20 month old cobby dark brindle with excellent bone and substance. Strong, broad head with dark eyes and correct ear placement. Broad jaw and muzzle. Straight front and tight feet with beautiful black claws. Very deep chest and spring of rib. Correct topline. Strong hindquarters with good angulation. Very small tail. Moved out well driving round the ring with purpose.
3rd Mrs F Smith - Xentique B’Witched For Taffique
1st Mrs B Jordan - Katakia Rocked It RBCC - Beautiful 21 month old brindle pied bitch. Cobby, with super bone and substance. Square head with dark round eyes showing no white, correctly set ears , good open nostrils and soft feminine expression. Strong jaw and broad muzzle with excellent dentition. Super reach of neck. Straight front with good bone and tight feet. Great depth of chest and spring of rib. Good cut-up. Gently roached topline leading to correct small tail. Strong hindquarters and lovely angulation. Moved round the ring with drive and purpose.
2nd Mr T & Mrs P Small - Merimna’s Siodot - 2 year old cobby brindle a little smaller than 1. Square head with dark round eyes, beautiful ear set and very pretty feminine expression. Open Nostrils. Good jaw and dentition. Lovely straight front with good bone and tight feet. Nice depth of chest and spring of rib and good cut-up. Super reach of neck and nice topline. Lovely small tail. Good rear angulation. Moved smoothly round the ring. Handled and presented very well.
3rd Mr G & Mrs E Drummond - Renuar Una Fabian At Glenlee (Imp LVA)
1st Mr B Hines - Rycolah Shooting Star BCC - Nearly 3 years old this little girl exemplifies for me the French Bulldog bitch. She is cobby and well constructed with excellent bone and substance but square and well balanced and feminine. She has a square, broad head with round dark eyes, excellent ear placement, open nostrils and a very feminine expression . Super wide jaw and muzzle with correct dentition. Straight front with tight feet and superb depth of chest and spring of rib with a good cut-up. Her topline is gently roached which she maintained on the move leading to a low set good tail. She has excellent strong hindquarters with good angulation. She powered round the ring with drive. I was honoured to award her her title.
2nd Miss A Cheeseman - Theapaul Dark Savannah - Another lovely girl. 2 year old well-balanced, cobby brindle with many great attributes. Super square head with lovely ear placement, dark round eyes and broad skull. Strong jaw, broad muzzle and excellent dentition. Super reach of neck. Straight front with good bone and tight feet. Superb depth of chest and spring of rib and cut-up. Correct topline maintained on the move. Strong hindquarters with good angulation. Very small tail. Moved well round the ring with drive. Just unlucky to have come up against 1 today.
3rd Mr G & Mrs B Morison - Jafrak Soft Centre With Xandene
1st Mrs L Gura-Mallon - IR CH Celticlibrid Dare T’Believe - Super cobby, very well balanced 2 year old brindle with good bone and substance. Lovely square head with well placed ears, dark round eyes and feminine expression. Super strong jaw, broad muzzle and good dentition. Straight front with tight feet. Lovely deep chest and great spring of rib and a nice cut-up. Good reach of neck and a gently roached topline maintained on the move. Strong hindquarters with good angulation and a very small tail. Drove round the ring with purpose.
2nd Mrs J L Farrell - Adenine Ostap Bender - 3 year old nice brindle girl. Strong square head with feminine expression. Correct ear placement and round dark eyes. Broad muzzle. Straight front with good bone. Super depth to chest and spring of rib. Nice reach of neck and correct topline. Strong hindquarters with good turn of stifle. Moved well driving round the ring.
3rd Messrs JR & RJ Brooks & Cairns - Corursus The Glamorous Life JW SHCM
Mrs Jackie Mavro-Michaelis