- Show Date: 15/12/2018
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Jeff Horswell Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Ladies Kennel Association
LKA English Toy Terriers
What a wonderful entry, hope it’s a positive trend. I really enjoyed judging your breed, I thought there was a good standard right through, a very sporting atmosphere, and good to see everyone having a get together afterwards. You seem to have a very wide age range amongst your exhibitors, which is also another positive. I think the greed is generally in a very good place. I was able to find exhibits that were the right basic shape who moved well right through the classes, although the extended trot wasn’t always in evidence, and is quite different from high stepping. Heads varied, I thought a few were rather wide in skull and too short in head, but on the other hand some really lovely heads too. A few slightly light eyes. Coat condition was very good, with hardly any sparse coats, and all had a shine. I was not over concerned about markings, most were acceptable if some not quite perfect. Some exhibits would benefit from being better muscled up. The breed certainly ended the year on a high, not only a large end of year show entry and then the BOB winning the Toy Group under the hugely respected Ann Ingram. Good luck to those of you working so hard to continue this progress.
Minor Puppy D (5,1) 1st: 667 HARMAN Mr & Mrs T & J Witchstone Crazy Horse At Boimans Very good out and back mover. Standing he is a little too long, but holds a better shape on the move. Lengthy and clean head. Darkest of eyes. Strong and lengthy neck. Well laid shoulder. Well ribbed. Topline is ok. Well made rear. Would like a shorter tail, but carried v well. Lengthy stride, although lifts his front too high, but may improve as he settles. 2nd: 701 SEATON Miss L Witchstone Vanguard Promising and more compact standing, just a little untidy coming towards at the moment. Long, fairly narrow head. Dark eyes, ears ok, lengthy neck. Not quite the shoulders of 1. Can develop in chest. Well ribbed. Correct topline. Enough turn of stifle. Correct tail. 3rd: 670 HOWARD Mr & Mrs D C & C M Lasagesse Supersonic Puppy D 1 abs Junior D (3,1) 1st: 704 THORNE Mr R & Mrs L Amalek Cappuccino at Winklefred The better mover of these 2 v typy males. His head could have just a little more length and ears better set, ok for neck. Turns his front feet out slightly, but straight moving. Well sprung ribs. Liked his rear. Well muscled up. 2nd: 708 WILLIAMS Mrs K J & Miss C E Royomas Walking In Memphis with Sharex Lots to like about him, and again in v good muscle. Preferred his head to 1. Lengthy neck with crest. Quite a good front, but lifts his legs a bit high. Well bodied. Moderate rear, could be better moving away. Post Grad D (5) 1st: 660 FORSYTHE, Mr R & MILKINS Mr C Witchstone Rainedance Avec Richpin Really top drawer puppy, very forward for his age and already full of personality and showmanship. He is in such super muscle. He has a long, clean head, dark eyes, lovely ears. Lengthy neck. Well made front and deep feet. Well bodied. Correct topline. V good rear. Just a little untidy in front, but a v good, easy profile action, holding correct topline. Thought him full of quality and put on a polished performance to take CC & BP 2nd: 711 WOOD Mr J Moretonia Easter Parade Liked his shape stood. Masc head, better ears than 3. Slightly bold in eye. Lengthy neck. Turns his feet out and could be better marked in forelegs. Deep chest. Moderate rear. Better mover than 3, topline not as good as 1. 3rd: 684 LOWE Mr C K & Mrs C M Witchstone Tarot's Sun Limit D (3) 1st: 686 NOWELL, Miss H J V & CROSSLING Miss S L Lasagesse Major Tom Really typy d who I have liked v much previously. He was not helping his handler on the move. Masc head of good length. Just a little cheeky. Strong neck , well laid shoulder. Deep chest. Correct topline. Moderate rear, which he uses so v well. Correct topline. Very close call, the puppy just scored in head today RCC 2nd: 693 PERRY, Mrs G & PERRY Miss I Neerodan Just The Ticket Shapely d of v good type. Slightly better head than 1, but not as good in ears, super eye and expression. Lengthy neck. Quite a good front. Well bodied and ribbed back. Slightly high set tail. Rear is ok. Moved accurately. 3rd: 672 INCH Mrs C H Sharex If I Can Dream For Edalene Open D (8,1) Interesting class to try and sort out, slight mix of types and movement, but plenty of really good dogs. 1st: 653 DIXON Mr G & Mrs L Witchstone Standing Rock At Lasagesse He has a v good shape, which he holds on the move and is v sound. Pleasing, masc head. Super eyes and ears. Lengthy neck. Better in pastern than 2. Super rib. Well made rear, right amount of angulation. Would prefer a lower tail carriage. 2nd: 661 FORSYTHE, Mr R & MILKINS Mr C Ch Witchstone Tommy Hawk At Richpin JW He has the most lovely head. Slight stop. Dark eyes. Strong neck, if slightly short. Deep chest. Liked his topline. Super tail. Could have just used his rear slightly better. Super showman and so well conditioned and presented. 3rd: 662 FRANCIS, Mr J & BLATCHFORD Miss W Ch Witchstone Not Apache On Me For Peopleton Veteran D (2,1) 1st: 698 ROGERS Mrs C & Miss L Sharex Dragons Nite at Wirralway 11 years old in great form. Could have a slightly leaner head. Super eye and expression . Good ears. Enough neck. Moderate and balanced in angulation. Plenty of body! Good Citizen D. Ne Minor Puppy B (8) All real babies. 1st: 669 HAWKINS Mrs R Lasagesse Sheselectric Has a month advantage on many in class and was v together on the move. Pleasing head, fem of length. Bright expression. Well set ears. Lengthy neck. Well balanced in angulation. Moved fairly well. 2nd: 652 DICKER Mrs D A Moretonia Golden Girl at Neerodan Real baby, one of the better movers in class, although still just a bit loose. Liked her head. Darkest of eyes. Lengthy neck. Good topline. Well ribbed body. 3rd: 695 POTHIN Mrs A Moretonia Golden Sky Puppy B (7,2) Thought this was a v good class with 2 lovely bitches at the top. 1st: 665 GOURLEY, Mr N & LEONARD Mr A Witchstone Fancy A Flutter She is v fem and has a super head. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Lengthy neck. Not quite the shoulder of 2. Her chest is deep enough. Topline ok. Well bent stifle. Carries her tail well. Won on her more accurate out and back movement, both in this class and to win the RCC. Just needs a few more months of maturity. 2nd: 654 DIXON Mr G & Mrs L Lasagesse Definitely Maybe Really liked her shape and flowing lines on the move. Super head. V good eyes and ears. Long neck. Liked her front. Body v good for her age. Well made rear. Liked her topline. Just needs to firm in her hind action. 3rd: 707 WILES Ms B Shedan Follow That Girl Junior B (7,1) 1st: 710 WINES Mr H Etruria Out Of Words Lovely b who is handled to the very best advantage. Has a better head and ears than 2. Dark eyes. Lengthy neck. Quite a good front, tends to lift her feet slightly high on the move. She has a super body. Correct topline. Just needs to muscle up at the rear. 2nd: 650 DICKER Mrs D A Neerodan Made To Make It V good outline, which she held on the move. Fem head, just a little cheeky. Liked her neck. Straight front. Well bodied. Well bent stifle and low hocks. Moved well. 3rd: 707 WILES Ms B Shedan Follow That Girl Post Grad B (6) 1st: 640 ALLSOP Miss L Pelugias Naughty But Nice Very honest sort of b, whose out and back movement won this class. Lengthy head, super eye and expression, just a little heavy in cheek. Correct neck. Well made front. Typical topline. Good rear. Lifts her front a bit high moving, but moves out well. 2nd: 680 LESLIE Miss S A Moretonia Easter Chick Liked her outline. Quite a good profile mover, could be slightly better in hind action. Fem head of good length. Super neck. Well bodied. In super muscle, nice feet. 3rd: 709 WILLS Mr C & Mrs M E Mortonia Easter Bonnet At Marlinett Limit B (13.3) Fairly even class. 1st: 673 INCH Mrs C H Edalene Never Let Me Go Thought her v good for type, combined with being a good mover. Fem head of length. Super eye and expression. Well set ears. Good neck. Well made, straight front. Liked her depth of chest. Correct topline. Well made rear. In lovely shining coat of good texture. 2nd: 666 HAFFENDEN Mrs H J Moretonia Wicked In Oz At Nasabe Slightly finer, which is not a criticism. Not the head of the winner. I liked her shape, compact in body. Super neck with arch. Straight front. Quite a good shoulder. Super rear. Moved soundly. 3rd: 683 LOVE Mrs V A Witchstone Halo Open B (6,2) Tough call between the first 2, both really super bitches. 1st: 678 LEONARD Mr A Ch Witchstone Minnehaha She has a lovely head, super eye and expression and lovely ears. Would prefer just a fraction more neck. Grand body. Sufficient arch in her topline. Well made and strong rear, which she uses so v well. Super feet. Really came into her own on the move and was better coming towards than 2. CC & BOB and congratulations on winning the Toy Group. 2nd: 643 BURGESS & BROWN, Messrs T & D & WILLIAMS K J & C Ch Sharex Burning Love For Dobrugh She has a super outline, excels in breed type and standing is really hard to beat. A really lovely head. Super eyes and ears. Better neck than 1. Well ribbed. Correct topline. Liked her rear. Just tended to scrabble in front every time I asked her to move, but looks good in profile. 3rd: 679 LEONARD Mr A Ch Witchstone Cheyenne Falls Veteran B (3,1) 1st: 674 INCH Mrs C H Ariane Oh What A Night At Edalene Sh.CM Lovely for type. She has a v good head with better ears than 2. Lovely eye and expression. Medium neck. Straight front. Well bodied. Would like a little more angle to hock. BV 2nd: 642 ALLSOP Miss L Ch Dumyat Belladonna Lovely type b, ears are a bit low set, lengthy neck. Well bodied. Liked her topline, elbows could be tighter. Good Citizen B. Ne
Jeff Horswell