- Show Date: 01/12/2018
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: John Smith Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
British Utility Breeds Association
Critique for Bulldogs at BUBA December 1st, 2018.
Would like to thank all the exhibitors that entered BUBA on the 1st Dec. A fantastic entry of 146, with many beautiful dogs and many hard decisions. I enjoyed the day immensely and would like to thank everyone for the sporting way they accepted my decisions. Also, a big thank you to my two stewards for the day, Sue and Andrew both friendly and a great help.
Minor Puppy Dog(10:5absent)
1st. Mr,Mrs&Master Evison, Andlare Scooter at Kikuchi r/w
Standard, Cobby, well balanced with a good width and upsweep of under jaw. Excellent head properties with good layback, a well placed nose with good open nostrils, well placed dark eye, square front with tack on. Enough bone and substance for his age. Excellent body shape, top line and good rear angulation. Sound and balanced on the move. Should do well in his show career.
2nd. Miss Hanley, Blenhiemstar Dee, r/w
Another quality Puppy, well presented and handled. Close decision this. Well balanced boy with terrific upsweep and width of under jaw. Dark eye, well placed nose with open nostrils, good square front, good body shape with correct top line. Sound and balanced on the move. Another boy with an interesting future.
3rd. Mr,Mrs Livingstone, Jacobella Captain Flint. &
Puppy Dog (12:3absent)
1st. Mrs Chetwynd, Rhydycroesau I'm Tarquin, r/w, striking, powerful Pup with terrific substance. Good true under jaw with width and upsweep, well placed nose and and well set dark eye. Good layback with broad and good length of skull. Good reach of neck. Square front, good depth and breadth of brisket. Tacked on shoulders, excellent spring of rib with good top line, tuck up and lovely rear angulation with well let down hocks. Sound and balanced on the move. Pleased to award him BPD.
2nd. Treasurabull Peaky Blinder, r/w, again not too much to separate these two boys. Flashy Red with excellent width and turn of under jaw. Good layback with good length of fore face with well placed broad nose. Excellent length and width of skull with a good reach of neck. Tacked on straight front, square and good depth of brisket. Well shaped body and good tail set. Sound on the move.
3rd. Miss Owen. Chasing the Ace.
Junior Dog (11:4absent)
1st. Mr,Mrs Ironmonger, Burchell Mr Bohannon at Britain, br/w, standard boy in excellent condition. Lovely head qualities with a broad well packed fore face, good layback, broad nose and well set dark eyes. Good width and upsweep, excellent length and width of skull. Good square front and well up on his toes. Balanced and moved well
2nd. Mr,Mrs Pickering, Lilylove Notorious McGregor,r/w, powerful looking boy with a good width and length of skull with fine wrinkle, big, broad well placed nose, good sweep and width of under jaw. Well placed ears with enough neck leading to a cobby well shaped body. Broad shoulders and a strong front. Moved ok
3rd. Mr Murphy. Wembholt simply Red.
Yearling Dog (8:2absent)
1st Mrs A Bentley, Triarder Abita Becks, w/r, like a lot of classes not much to chose between the dogs in the final class lineup, this boy caught my eye. Stood and presented so well. Pleasing expression with good width and upsweep of jaw, broad,Black, well placed nose, good nostrils, good layback, with a good width of fore face, nice square front with straight bone to neat feet. Good body shape with shapely hindquarters and well let down hocks. Moved well
2nd. Mr R Haines, Justifiabull Tristana, Jw, shcm, r/w. Lovely well balanced dog with a good upsweep and width of lower jaw, good layback, broad nose with well set dark eyes. Good width and length of skull with enough reach of neck. Straight front with good width of brisket. Moved ok
3rd.Miss C.L. Ingamells Chelajay's Limited Edition.
Post Grad Dog. (10:3absent)
1st. Mrs T.F&N.C. Phillips, Rokoluck Mr Cracker Jw, r/w, Standard size with good layback, good length and width of fore face, well placed broad nose with open nostrils. Good length and width of skull with well set ears. Straight front and good spring of rib. Moved well
2nd. Mr A&J Downing, Stellvana Kiss The Girls, r/w, pleasing head properties, good true jaw and broad well placed nose. Well set dark eye and Good width of skull. Nice enough front with straight bone to neat feet. Well ribbed with a tuck up and shapely hindquarters. Well let down hocks. Moved ok
3rd. Mr&Mrs James Rosco's Masterpiece by Em.
Limit Dog(13:3absent)
1st. Mrs&Mr Eaton. Ricatori Redesigned, w/r, top quality standard Bulldog in excellent condition. Typical expression with true,wide under jaw , good layback with good width and length of fore face . Well set dark eyes with good broad nose and open nostrils. Square, straight front with good depth of brisket and well up on his Pasterns. Good spring of rib showing his pear shaped body. Moved well. Considered for top honours.
2nd. Mr R& Mrs M Taylor, Hillplace Captain Hook, br/w, powerful boy with strong head qualities, good layback with broad, well placed nose with open nostrils. Dark well set eye with good length and width of skull. Straight front with excellent substance. Well ribbed and strong hindquarters. Moved ok
3rd. Mr J&Mrs S Dearlove Lumbuse Mr Douglas Home for Ryjarlow.
Open Dog (10:3absent)
Must say this was a very strong class and it was a pleasure to go over some beautiful Boys.
1st. Mr B Stubberfield, Vendetta De Boqueron Unstoabull, r/w, beautiful eye catching Boy, conditioned with plenty of substance. Excellent width and length of fore face, good width and upsweep of lower jaw giving a stand off expression. Broad well placed nose with terrific wide nostrils, excellent width between the darkest of eyes. Excellent length and width of skull with the finest of wrinkle, well placed ears and lovely strong reach of neck. Strong straight front, good depth and width of brisket , well up on his pasterns and neat feet. Good spring of rib giving him that pear shape with a tuck up and good rear angulation. Moved really well and was balanced and held his shape on the move. Pleased to award him the DCC and BOB.
2nd Mr& Mrs S Lee, Ch Milasha Preacher Man Mystyle, r/w, another top quality boy that pushed for top honours, a worthy Champion. Standard boy with clean strong head qualities. Broad and wide skull with lovely turn and upsweep of lower jaw. Well placed broad nose with good nostrils. Dark, well set eyes and well placed neat ears. Tacked on shoulders and good depth and width of brisket. Up on his pasterns, good spring of rib and pear shaped body, tuck up and correct top line. Sound and balanced on the move. Close call this one and was pleased to award him RDCC.
3rd. Mr P&Mrs C Manders. Erimusbulls Mannion Jw.
Special Beginners Dog
1st. Lanscombe, Odinschild Violet Warrior, r/w, stood alone but shown in previous classes. Standard type with pleasing head qualities. Good layback with well set dark eye. Good reach of neck, strong front and well ribbed. Moved ok
Some beautiful Bitches here today that didn't achieve top honours but I'm sure in the future they will.
Minor Puppy Bitch.(12:1absent)
1st. Mr J&Mrs S Dearlove, Ryjarlow Shooting Star, r/w, quality bitch with a lovely expression,good length of fore face, good width and upsweep of jaw, broad nose with open nostrils. Excellent layback, well set dark eyes and good width and length of skull. Correct front with tack on and up on her pasterns. Spring of rib accentuating the desired pear shape. Good top line and rear angulation. Well handled, Moved well.
2nd. Mr A&Ms J Squires &Fowler, Kadreya Eh Up Flower, r/w, well presented, another quality bitch, well balanced with good true jaw, good length and width of fore face, broad well placed nose with open nostrils, darkest of eyes, broad skull with well placed ears. Straight front, good bone, good spring of rib and pleasing body shape. Moved well
3rd. Mrs C&Mr S Parker, Albionpride Miss Furtado.
Puppy Bitch (11:2absent)
1st. Mrs J A & Miss R J Collie, Newfound Lost Me Head At Thornford, r/w, absolutely stunning bitch. A pleasure to go over such a quality Girl. No exaggerations at all, with good length and width of fore face, broad nose with open nostrils, lovely turn, upsweep and width of Jaw. Good width between the darkest of eyes, long, broad skull with well placed correct ears, good reach of neck, tacked on shoulders leading to a straight powerful front. Terrific spring of rib, excellent top line and good strong hind quarters. Sound and balanced on the move. Pleased to award her the BCC and BPB.
2nd. Mr P & Mrs S Davies, Kismond Midnight Sunset, br/w, powerful girl with lovely width and upsweep of jaw, good length and width of fore face, black nose with good nostrils. Dark and well set eyes, broad skull with fine wrinkle and well placed ears. Good depth and width of brisket, straight well boned front, up on her pasterns and neat feet. Good rib, top line and rear angulation. Moved well
3rd. Mr & Mrs R Ironmonger, Mystyle She's No Lady.
Junior Bitch (8:4absent)
1st. Mr P & Mrs J New, Newrock Dakota, r/w, feminine bitch with excellent head qualities, good length and width of fore face, broad nose with open nostrils, dark eye, broad skull with fine wrinkle, well placed ears and good reach of neck. Lovely front with correct shoulders, straight front and neat feet. Good spring of rib, lovely top line, pear shaped and good rear angulation . Moved well
2nd. S M Davies, Baalzebul Peitho Love, w/r, lovely girl shown and presented in pristine condition. Feminine standard type with lovely head qualities, great expression, good width and length of fore face with excellent pigmentation. Broad nose with open nostrils. Fine wrinkled with a broad skull well set ears and enough neck. Straight front, pleasing body shape and good hindquarters. Moved well.
3rd. Mr D C & Mrs R D Rodgers, Belushi Flamin Star.
Yearling Bitch (9:4absent)
1st. Ms J& Miss S Lamont, Laroyal Lead By Example, r/w, another standard bitch of the highest quality. No exaggerations, superb body shape with lovely head qualities and expression. Good width and upsweep of lower jaw, lovely layback, well placed broad nose with open nostrils, good width between dark well set clear eyes, broad skull with well placed ears and good reach of neck. Straight strong front, up on her pasterns, good spring of rib and lovely top line. Moved well, bright future.
2nd. Mr T & Mrs L McCash, Belushi Amazing Grace Taybull, r/w, standard feminine girl with good length and width of fore face , good layback with well place broad nose and open nostrils. Lovely expression with the darkest of eyes, fine wrinkle and well placed ears, good reach of neck and pleasing body shape. Moved well.
3rd. Mr D C & Mrs R D Rogers, Belushi Polk Salad Annie.
Post Graduate Bitch (13:3absent)
1st. Shirtcliffe, Britishrose Pure Platinum Pashirs, r/w, a very classy girl shown and presented in lovely condition. So much to like on this girl. Good turn and upsweep of lower jaw, excellent length and width of foreface with beautiful expression. Broad nose with open nostrils. Excellent layback with well set, dark round eyes. Terrific broad skull with correct, fine ears. Tacked on shoulders, straight front, up on her pasterns, neat round feet, good depth and width of brisket, lovely reach of neck and one of the best toplines of the day. Good spring of rib with tuck up and strong hindquarters. Balanced and sound on the move. Pleased to award her the RCC.
2nd. Mr&Mrs Williams, Willsmere Samantha, w/r, lot to like about this girl. Stood four square, deep and wide brisket, tacked on with tremendous substance. Enough work in her head with a good width and length of fore face, true wide jaw, dark eye, good length and width of skull. Good spring of rib with tuck up and strong hindquarters with well let down hocks. Moved well
3rd. Ms P J Freeman, Rosco's Moondance by Em Testwood Jw.
Limit Bitch (8:3absent)
1st. Mrs G Weller, Baalzebul Constance for Geenawell, w/r, quality bitch, pleasing head qualities with good layback, terrific width of true jaw, good broad nose with open nostrils, dark round well placed eyes and good length of skull. Lovely straight front with good depth and width of brisket. Pleasing body shape with good rear angulation. Moved and handled well.
2nd. Mr & Mrs S Lee, Milasha Gigi, w, another quality standard cobby girl, compact with a lovely expression. Terrific width and upsweep of jaw, good width and length of foreface. Excellent pigment with well set dark eyes, good broad skull with fine wrinkle and well placed ears. Lovely straight front tacked on with ample substance , well up on her pasterns . Good spring of rib and pleasing body shape. Moved well
3rd. Mr D & Mrs K Nealings, Neptunebull Connie Rose.
Open Bitch (11:2 absent)
This was a very strong class
1st. Mr P & Mrs C Manders, Ch Erimusbulls Rita Hayworth, w/r, worthy champion, beautiful feminine standard bitch shown in excellent condition. True jaw with excellent width and upsweep, lovely pigmentation with a broad ,well placed nose with open nostrils, excellent layback and perfect expression, good width between dark well placed eyes, broad skull with correct well set ears. Lovely reach of neck, tacked on shoulders with straight square front, deep brisket, spring of rib, excellent top line, good hindquarters and well let down hocks. Moved well. Considered for top honours.
2nd. Mrs E Simpson, Ch Perfectly Polished For Jackarhys, r/w, another worthy Champion, quality standard bitch in great condition. Love her expression with a lovely width and upsweep of underjaw, good layback with a terrific broad well placed nose,open nostrils, great width between the darkest of eyes, broad skull with well placed ears. Superb tack on straight square front with depth and width of brisket spring of rib with tuck up and good rear angulation and well let down hocks. Sound and balanced on the move.
3rd. Mr P& Mrs S Davies, Shiloh Disco Dancer Kismond Jw.
John Smith(Lauwin)
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