- Show Date: 15/12/2018
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Melanie Harwood Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Ladies Kennel Association
Ladies Kennel Association
Judge Melanie Harwood
Thank you to everyone for the entry today, I thoroughly enjoyed judging these Standard Poodles and thank you to my 2 stewards who kept things running efficiently. A few overall observations on this size that I would like to mention here. Ear leathers are becoming virtually non-existent, it’s all very well having all ear fringes but not at the cost of actual leathers. I feel fronts have improved in general more so depth of chest. Tails will always be an issue but in general tailsets are good and I know some people within the breed are very tail orientated but for me the tail carriage does not outweigh the overall construction of the dog. Its lovely to see a higher numerical entry of young puppy bitches and the quality is there so it bodes well for the future. I feel my main winners were excellent examples of the breed and excel in construction and breed type.
Minor Puppy Dog (4, abs 3)
1st, Hutchins and Griffith’s Parcheeni Con Fuoco, this baby boy was finding this floor a little too much to handle. The grids underneath the carpet affected the fluidity of his movement and upset him. He is developing as well as one would expect of his age, he has a pleasing masculine head and expression and good eyes. I think he will be a slow maturer as he is lacking neck and forechest but he has a decent body and tail set.
Puppy Dog (3)
1st, Dainty’s Myall Causing A Storm. A difficult class as all 3 varied in type but this striking white boy won on this class on overall performance and style on the day. There is no doubting he is male and he certainly has lots of Poodley character. Masculine head and cheeky expression with dark well shaped eyes, good reach of neck with a good ribcage and body condition. Well set tail, good rear angulation and he stands on correct feet. He is covered by a wealth of coat which is a great texture for his age but for me this just needs tailoring back more to show off his features. He moved out soundly covering the ground well and was full of personality, great to see. His steady showmanship won him Best Puppy in Breed over a lovely baby bitch.
2nd James’ Afterglow Wolfbane At Blackmine. This balanced male is a very mature looking youngster with a masculine head but would just like more expression, good chin and dark expressive eyes. Super reach of neck with a good deep forechest, decent feet, good strong ribcage, decent set tail and good bent of stifle. In great coat which was presented well and on first impression I thought this black would be my winner but today he had absolutely no enthusiasm for moving, he was slurring his feet on the carpet and a Poodle should be light on his feet. I think the long day was too much for him.
3rd Kliuchnikowa’s Montravia Dream Chaser
Junior Dog (6, abs 3)
1st Pine-Haynes’ Safari's Typecast For Vicmar (Imp USA), this handsome balanced boy was an easy winner of this class. He has a lovely head and expression, chiselling out well in foreface, good chin and dark expressive eyes. He has a super reach of neck with good depth of chest and is well developed in body with a good firm topline, excellent tail set and carriage and well muscled rear quarters. On the move he holds a great outline in profile covering the ground well and is quite light on his feet but for me he needed to settle in rear movement as his exuberance was getting the better of him today. As one expects from this kennel his presentation was beautiful to show off his virtues.
2nd Kliuchnikowa’s Montravia Dream Chaser, this baby had to win this placing on his showmanship. Developing well in head with a nice expression and good eye set. He is balanced throughout, has a good length of neck and is developing well in body with good feet. He has a good coat for his age which was presented well. Obviously very much a baby in this class but his movement and qualities gained him this placing.
3rd Winnington’s Fingolfin's Lone Warrior, a masculine dog who was not loving this flooring today. Pleasing to go over with a good neck and in good body condition but lacks finesse and overall finish.
Post Graduate Dog (13, abs 5)
1st Main’s Chalkwell Happy Hour, an immaculate stylish young male who is pleasing in head and expression with a refined back skull and well placed eyes. I would like him to have a stronger foreface and more underjaw as he is lacking in chin. He has a super reach of neck with balanced angles both in front and rear, good depth of fore chest and good spring of rib with a correctly set tail and well muscled rear quarters. For me I would like him to have more reach and drive but he holds his outline on the move with lovely Poodle carriage. He’s coat texture is excellent and he is presented to perfection.
2nd Cater’s Sueno De La Alhambra De Noor Y Albarral For Somanic. A larger type to the winner and for me is not as balanced as I would like. He has a masculine head and expression, he still needs to chisel out in foreface yet, but he has a good underjaw and chin. Super reach of neck, well laid shoulders with a good spring of rib and correct bend of stifle, I would prefer a better tailset. Once settled he used himself to great advantage on the move, really covered the ground well and holding his outline, but needs to settle in front and rear.
3rd Davidson’s Samarcanda Son Of A Gun TAF, a striking white boy who just needs time to come into his own. Pleasing masculine head, he is chiselling well in foreface and has dark expressive eyes. Super reach of neck set into good shoulders, well rounded ribcage with a good tailset. He looks lovely in this trim just needs time to become the stallion he can be. He is balanced and creates a lovely outline both stacked and on the move, he had second place until he decided he didn’t like the floor.
Limit Dog (7, abs 2)
1st Brekkerud & McBlain’s Kossab Santa Cruz. I cannot understand why this boy is not already a champion. He is one of the most honest dogs to go over, yes I would like him to show more of the typical ‘Poodle Spirit’ but he excels in conformation and soundness. Masculine head and expression with dark expressive eyes and good leathers. Good length of neck with a good layback of shoulder, excellent deep forechest and firm well rounded ribcage. He is well muscled throughout with a good tailset and correct bend of stifle. He is so sound coming and going and holds his outline in profile. He is in great coat which was beautifully presented. No disgrace in winning the RCC behind the outstanding Open Winner. I hope he gains a well deserved crown soon.
2nd Thorndyke’s Vicmars Ring Me At Taranmur. An imposing youngster who is more refined throughout than the winner. Balanced head with a well chiselled foreface, clean back skull and lovely expression with dark eyes. He has a super reach of neck with a firm topline and short backed with a well angulated rear, correct tail set and carriage with a decent depth of chest. He is covered by a lovely textured coat which is tailored to show off his virtues. Full of style on the move who creates a lovely outline in profile, but he really needs to use his brain and concentrate and settle in front and rear.
3rd Gleave’s Kertellas Talking In Codes At Montravia JW
Open Dog (2, abs 1)
1st Hamilton & Tell-Collinge’s Hashtag Its-dynamite. WOW, this dog is just breathtaking. On first impressions he is so well balanced and he just puts himself in the right place. A real stallion who commands your attention, he is so full of style, charisma and oh soooooooo Poodley!! He has a beautiful well moulded foreface, clean masculine backskull and dark expressive eyes with a good underjaw, chin and ears. Great reach of neck set into good shoulder placement with a fabulous depth of chest. Good elbows, well sprung ribcage, correct tail set and a strong well angulated rear and short backed. Throughout he is in excellent muscle condition and all covered by a wealth of correctly textured coat which was presented to absolute perfection, he looked immaculate. On the move he comes into his own, light, effortless action, holding his balanced outline, sound both ways and so full of style and elegance. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, it was a delight to award him the Dog CC and BOB, he looked wonderful in the group.
Veteran Dog (3)
1st Furey’s Ch Somanic Style By Design At Clanese, an attractive mature male who is in wonderful condition and muscle. Well balanced throughout with a masculine head, well chiselled foreface, good chin, dark eyes and decent leathers. Good reach of neck with matching angles in front and rear, decent depth to chest and good swing of rib but would like him shorter in loin. Correct tailset and decent feet. Moved out well using himself to advantage, quite light on his feet whilst holding is outline and he was sound both ways. He suits this trim so well, good textured coat which was beautifully presented.
2nd Aikman’s Del Zarzoso Meinteme Otra Vez At Namkia, white boy in full coat and he was just so full of himself that it was too much and so he threw chances away. Lovely head with a clean back skull, well chiselled fore face and dark eyes. Super reach of neck and in excellent body condition with a good spring of rib. Good feet and well angulated rear with excellent pigment. I love to see Poodles showing that typical attitude but he did this in abundance to the point where he did not move to his best.
3rd Dainty, Harrison & Khawaja’s Myall Storm
Minor Puppy Bitch (10, abs 5)
A large class full of promising baby’s who were all at varying stages of development so I am sure that many will change places in the future.
1st Hamilton & Tell-Collinge’s Hashtag Kiss This, a gorgeous pretty feminine baby, with a cheeky expression and dark eyes. Good length neck for her age, with a super depth of chest and ribcage and firm topline. Well set tail, good bend of stifle and standing on good feet with a thick coat for her age. Once settled she really used herself on the move, covering the ground with ease, holding her shape and was sound both ways. For me she just needs to balance out overall but this will come as she finishes developing, she has great potential.
2nd Hindley’s Alibama Double Platinum, a very pretty silver bitch that surprised me. So pretty in head and expression with dark expressive eyes. She lacks neck at the moment but she is very raw. She is very well balanced throughout with a short back, good feet, matching angles front and rear and good body condition. She came alive on the move, full of style and attitude with a lovely side action and quite sound both ways. She can only get better with maturity and deserved her placing today.
3rd Wells’ Volgarus There's A Reason, very much a baby here today but with so much potential. So pretty in head and expression, with a good length of neck and developing well throughout. She has a good tailset and moved out well but just lacked a little confidence but this will come with age and time. A lovely prospect for the future.
Puppy Bitch (3, abs 2)
1st Hanlon’s Huffish Somissoni Ice Cold In Alex, she is pretty in head with a lovely expression, good chin and dark eyes. Good length of neck and developing well throughout with a good spring of rib, good tailset and correct bend of stifle. Today she was just not giving her all, she showed me enough on the move but I’m sure with more experience she will give her all.
Junior Bitch (9)
This is was lovely class of young bitches and no doubt they will change places.
1st Matthews, Lynn & Matthews’ Afterglow Alice In Jazz, this bitch won this class on her steady showmanship and overall honest performance. She is well balanced with a feminine head and expression, good foreface, dark eyes, decent chin and good ear leathers. Lovely reach of neck with matching angles in front and rear, well rounded ribcage with a firm topline, good bend of stifle and she is short backed. She is in great coat which was beautifully presented and on the move she gave a very polished performance, holding her outline in profile, really covering the ground with ease and soundly which won her this class.
2nd Harwood & Langdon’s Atastar Rhythm Is A Dancer At Alusio, a very striking young bitch who once concentrating on the job in hand will no doubt excel in the ring. She has a beautiful head and expression with a good chin. Super reach of neck with balanced forequarters and rear quarters, good spring of rib with a correct tailset and well muscled throughout. On the move she is full of style but because she was full of herself she just needs to settle in front and rear. In good coat and beautifully presented.
3rd Dennison’s Labamba Melisande, another very pretty well balanced bitch who is a slighter smaller type than the two before her. Pretty feminine head and expression, good neck and shoulders, well rounded ribcage and well set tail, she just needs to concentrate and use herself to advantage as all the potential is there.
Post Graduate Bitch (11, abs 7)
1st Hardy’s Highla Eva So Loveley, this bitch won this class on her overall performance but for me she’s not a feminine as I would like. Pleasing in head and expression with a good chin and dark eyes. Lovely reach of neck with matching angles in front and rear but her tailset and carriage could be better. She holds herself well on the move in profile and gave a steady polished performance. She has a good coat but needs more finesse to complete the picture and for me I would like her to be better balanced.
2nd Nugents’ Janavons Blue Wonder, an honest type of bitch with a feminine head and expression, good eye set and decent chin. Decent reach of neck with a good spring of rib, adequate depth to her body and well angulated rear with a well set tail. She has a good textured coat but would just like her to be shorter in loin. Moved well holding her outline, just lacks a bit of sparkle.
3rd Smith’s Parcheeni Funny Girl With Outflash
Limit Bitch (8, abs 4)
1st Barker’s Crystalar Blue Opal, this very pretty bitch was an easy winner for this class. She has a beautiful feminine head and expression, well chiselled in fore face and dark eyes. Good reach of neck and shoulders with a well rounded ribcage and an excellent tail set and carriage. She stands on good feet but would like more dept of chest to her. She holds a balanced outline on the move and really uses herself well. She is in fantastic coat and condition and was beautifully presented to show off her virtues and I considered her hard for top honours today just preferred the fore chests on both the bitches in the green cards but I still think she is deserving of her title.
2nd Van Der Vliet’s Kassabaan Precious Star At Dutchymoon NAF TAF, this bitch I felt matched the winner better than the others in this class as she has a similar frame. Feminine in head with a pretty expression and dark eyes, lacked a little chin for me. She has a good reach of neck, well sprung ribcage and good depth to her body, strong topline, decent tailset and well let down hocks. Her easy flowing assured movement won her this place. She has a good coat that just needs a little more finesse in finishing but the basic shape is good.
3rd Penny’s Kalizmar Ooaky Monkey.
Open Bitch (9, abs 5)
1st Bayliss’ Ch Kertellas On Fifth Avenue JW, she is the most beautiful well balanced bitch. Gorgeous feminine head and expression with a well chiselled fore face, clean backskull, good chin, dark expressive eyes and decent ear leathers. She has a super reach of neck, correct shoulders, deep chest and firm well rounded ribcage with good spring of rib. Her tailset is perfect along with the carriage and she has a well muscled rear with good bent of stifle. She comes alive on the move really using herself with ease in a light elegant fashion holding her lovely outline. She is covered by a wealth of thick coat and my only negative comment is, she doesn’t need all this hair, she has beautiful feet and they are hidden by hair! She needs a good tailoring back as she is beautiful underneath and I was delighted to award her the CC.
2nd Wells’ Volgarus Maxi Million, another top class bitch with a really pretty head and expression with a well moulded foreface and using her dark eyes to effect. She is very well balanced throughout with a lovely reach of neck, good shoulders and she excels in depth of forechest and ribcage. She has a correctly set tail and is well muscled throughout with a well angulated rear. She has an excellent coat which is presented to absolute perfection. An honest bitch on the move who holds her outline, maintains her topline and is sound both ways but I would just like her to have a little more oomph, having said that she is a real quality bitch who deserved her RCC win today.
3rd: Elrick’s Del Zarzoso With Love To Pitfour (Sp Imp), this is a really pretty balanced bitch who came up against strong competition. I love her pretty headpiece and expression, she has a good chin and dark eyes. Good reach of neck, short backed and is balanced in front and rear, she’s a little happy with her tail but it is set correctly. She used herself on the move just needs to watch her outline at times. For me this young lady is a late bloomer and once she matures and has the overall finish of the 2 before her she will trouble the best.
Veteran Bitch (2)
1st Stokes’ Zenzaris Snow Drama At Madsovtik, a pleasing type of bitch, with a feminine head and pretty expression. Good length of neck but lacks in forechest and depth for me. Well set tail and she held her outline at all times on the move which won her this class.
2nd Cliffen & Hart’s Janavons Holly Blossom At Violaceae, she is more my type of bitch with a pleasing head and expression and good eyes, matching angles in front and rear but she wasn’t moving true coming or going.
Good Citizen Bitch (2)
1st Deakin’s Tarlorue Amy Winehouse, this bitch has a pretty head and pleasing expression with dark eyes. She won this class as her overall type and balance was better and she moved out well. She enjoyed her day out.
2nd Cliffen & Hart’s Violaceae Candytuft, pleasing in head and expression with a decent length of neck. She does not have the overall balance of 1st but she held her outline on the move.
Melanie Harwood