- Show Date: 15/12/2018
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Robert Greaves Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Ladies Kennel Association
LKA – 15th December 2018
Japanese Shiba Inu
A high-quality entry awaited me; all dogs presented were in good condition and had a lovely nature. So concerned to learn that two exhibits were stolen the night after the show but delighted to hear that they were swiftly returned to their owners. A huge relief.
Class 461 MPD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
Great class very close between first and second.
1st: 2127 ROSKELL Mrs B & Miss C Rahima Kingsmill Best Puppy
Scored with a most handsome profile and front construction. Balanced throughout. triangular head with ears well set, super dark eyes, straight forelimbs down to tight feet, arch to neck, ribs developing, good for tailset and carriage, gentle turn to stifle, steady mover with purpose. Very happy and outgoing baby.
2nd: 2095 DUNHILL HALL Miss M S Vormund One Punch Man
Scored in maturity. Very smart and striking and a lovely deep colour coat in excellent condition. He has a very balanced head on an arched neck and dark almond shaped eyes. Firm in topline and very strong mover front
3rd: 2130 SLOANE Mrs H Indaklu Keltic Druid
Class 462 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2127 ROSKELL Mrs B & Miss C Rahima Kingsmill
2nd: 2122 PROTHEROE, Miss V & JOHNSON Mrs W Belezza Forte Izami Katsuro
Pleasing youngster but a little immature in head shape and not quite the proportions at this stage in his development. Decent coat and movement. Tail set could be a little better but still very young and just needs a little more time.
Class 463 JD (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2099 DUNHILL HALL Miss M S Vormund The Real Slim Shady
Stunning outline and a lovely head and expression. Has so much to admire excelling in breed type, compact and stylish with substance but not overdone, neatest of ears, super obliquely set dark eyes, short coupled, high set tail and carriage, covers the ground well.
2nd: 2132 WRIGHT, Miss E & JACKSON Ms M Lacsar Twix Up His Sleeve Jun Ch
Scoring here in balanced movement. Most lovely head and eye. Good body breadth and depth. Very good overall picture showing a good neck and tail set. Moderate but defined angles throughout. Just preferred the forequarters of winner
3rd: 2108 MAY Miss D M Burwen I Am Bee'lzebub At Ayupduck
Class 464 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2081 BEST-RAWLINGS Mrs C A Trixwood Vision Of Both Ways
Presented a good outline. Scored in head and expression over #2. Well positioned ears and eyes. Decent front assembly, decent neck and ribcage, moves out freely.
2nd: 2085 BLACK, Mrs B & BLACK-BUNCE Miss A Casakura Harly Heritage for Zaandam
Nice outline with pleasing head shape. Good shoulders and topline. Moved OK. Preferred expression and overall size of winner.
Class 465 LD (4 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2114 McKINNON Mrs J Casakura Harly Echo at Cherkhan JW Sh.CM
Very nice type and presented lovely proportions. Masculine without excess, triangular head with dark eyes well set, defined stop, straight front, moderately sprung ribcage with firm topline and tail carried high, gentle turn to stifle, easy balanced mover Scored in eye shape and neck over #2
2nd: 2091 CAUDRELIER, Miss K & CAUDRELIER Mrs A Hikays Back To Black
Pleasing male but not quite the proportions of winner. Good coat colour and condition and moved OK
Class 466 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
Lovely class.
1st: 2096 DUNHILL HALL Miss M S Ch Vormund Sinister CC & BOB
As soon as he entered the ring, he made it his own. In stunning condition. Adored his proportions and super shape. Body balanced throughout with level topline and good length of leg. Good coat & striking colour. Tail is correctly set and carried well over back. Scored with his super head, dark eye & alert expression. Decent depth to chest into gentle tuck up and firm loin, level topline with tail set and carried high. A very free and easy mover in super condition.
2nd: 2111 MINOGUE Mr S Ir Ch Jiltrain Jackpott
Very compact and carries more substance, appeals in head and expression, straight front and tight feet, well ribbed up and back, just enough turn to stifle, true mover in all directions. Pressed hard for the Res CC.
3rd: 2131 WATSON Mrs J & Mr C Calicelesti Casanova Sh.CM
Class 467 VD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2109 MAY, Miss G C & YALE Ms J Taichung Front Page News (Imp)
Cracking shape and proportions; Very good head type & expression, small triangular ears, very dark eye with correct bite. No exaggeration at all. Decent coat colour and texture. Standing and moving he was composed and true. Could not be denied Best Veteran Res CC. I later found out he was the sire of my stunning BCC winner.
2nd: 2101 FITZAKERLY Mr M & Mrs A Bearpark Bashka
Not quite the proportions of winner but presented a lovely masculine head and expression, nice leg to body proportions. Moved OK
3rd: 2080 BEST-RAWLINGS, Mrs C & FARNELL Ms C Kyoshi Devil May Care (ikc)
Class 468 GCD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2080 BEST-RAWLINGS, Mrs C & FARNELL Ms C Kyoshi Devil May Care (ikc)
Also in the Veteran class and a lovely boy. Not quite the condition and movement nowadays but a lovely happy Shiba.
Class 469 MPB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
Lovely class.
1st: 2088 BRYANS Miss M L Marilouvales Flashdance NAF
Excellent throughout; very feminine with lovely head and dark correct eye shape, nice ear placement, tight catlike feet. Nice arched neck, good lay of shoulder, straight front, good bone & substance, showed well and superb movement.
2nd: 2078 BANNISTER Mrs J Otohime Go Ino Daikakusou (Imp) It TAF
High quality sesame - she is very balanced and, for her age, hasa very pleasing head and expression with such responsive ears. Correct scissor bite. Moving out very soundly being true and balanced in all directions. Close up to winner
3rd: 2113 McKINNON Mrs J Cherkhan Echo Falls
Class 470 PB (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2088 BRYANS Miss M L Marilouvales Flashdance NAF
2nd: 2078 BANNISTER Mrs J Otohime Go Ino Daikakusou (Imp) It TAF
3rd: 2113 McKINNON Mrs J Cherkhan Echo Falls
Class 471 JB (4 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2119 PACKER Mrs M D Burwen I'm A Press Secretary
Classy Shiba in a compact frame with good head and expression carried on a muscular neck, body properties are well constructed giving a firm topline with high tail carriage, liked her hindquarters which have definition enhanced by developed second thigh, an easy true mover who stopped right every time
2nd: 2128 ROSKELL, Miss C & LYNN Mr J Rahima Queen Of Shiba With Afterglow
Another high-quality Shiba but not quite the overall shape of winner. Scores in classic head and expression and strong, positive movement
Class 472 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2084 BEST-RAWLINGS, C A, BLACK, B & BLACK-BUNCE A Trixwood It's A Kind Of Magic To Zaandam
Lovely style of bitch with many good breed points including proportions and head shape. Light free mover and quality coat.
2nd: 2100 ELLERSHAW Mr & Mrs G & S Shiomaru Benisa Among Galshan (Imp) JW
Nice quality bitch and presented a good picture with decent head and ears. A little heavy on shoulders just spoiled the overall look.
Class 473 LB (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2120 PACKER Mrs M D Burwen Touched By An Angel CC
Loved this bitch. Nothing exaggerated whatsoever. Feminine throughout with excellent type. Excelled in head shape; super feminine expression, , correctly set tail and carried in good curl, balanced body and correct length to height proportions. Moved soundly.
2nd: 2097 DUNHILL HALL Miss M S Vormund Famous Last Words Res CC
Close up to winner. A quality bitch who scored in outline, exceptionally pretty feminine head with correct ear placement, lovely proportions throughout and presented in good condition and well-muscled. Correct front & rear and moved well.
3rd: 2086 BLACK, Mrs B & BLACK-BUNCE Miss A Trixwood Be Amy's Dreams Of Me To Zaandam
Class 474 OB (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2090 BRYANS Miss M L Marilouvale's Making Mayhem
Topped the class for her make, shape and many other virtues. Lovely proportions, correct head shape and expression, free easy mover who showed off to advantage,
2nd: 2133 WRIGHT, Miss E & JACKSON Ms M Ir Ch Int Ch Steinark Ima Star At Lacsar Jun Ch JD
Close up to winner and a stunning bitch. A very well-balanced bitch with excellent proportions, she has a very good head & expression. Good eye shape and set. Correct bite, pleasing definition of markings. Moved well and handled perfectly.
3rd: 2079 BANNISTER Mrs J Janeryls Rebel Rebel
Class 475 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2083 BEST-RAWLINGS Mrs C A Ch & Ir Ch Trixwood Addicted To Love
Such a very sound lady, nice head & expression, good eye & ear set. Very well made throughout with good shoulders, neat feet and correct tail set. Moved with ease & great soundness.
2nd: 2106 HASELL, Mrs I & SHUTT Mrs Tapena Takara
Lovely friendly bitch with super nature and moved with such energy. Nice head and expression and a pleasure to make the acquaintance of such a poppet.
Robert Greaves (judge)