- Show Date: 15/12/2018
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Ronny Blomme Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Ladies Kennel Association
The Ladies Kennel Association 2018
Irish Setter
Judge: Mr Ronny Blomme (Norcroft) - Be
It was an honour being invited to judge at this lovely LKA show and was very pleased with my entry. I truly express my sincere thanks to all exhibitors.
Thanks of course to the very hard working committee for having invited me to judge at this show.
It may sound a cliché that in some classes placings were hairsplitting but it was, only little details making the difference and unfortunately there is only one 1st place in each class.
A pity there were quiet a number of absentees and regret not having been able to judge them, would have loved to see them.
Bites except on a rare occasion were good but I was a little worried to see a number dogs with apparent entropion which definitely influenced my decisions.
Movement in general, especially front movement certainly is really something to pay attention too in this breed, have seen some nice dogs but not with the best movement.
But overall I was very pleased with the entered dogs and my winners which in my opinion are very good examples of the breed. Loved both my CC and res CC winners and felt my BOB was on the day in a superb condition performing on the highest level with that very much correct Irish attitude and temperament. Was so pleased to see he continued in style in the gundog group judging ending on a very much deserved 2nd place.
BEST OF BREED : 6981 MILLIGAN-BOTT, Mrs D & BOTT Mr J N Sh Ch Thendara Pot Noodle JW
Dog CC : 6981 MILLIGAN-BOTT, Mrs D & BOTT Mr J N Sh Ch Thendara Pot Noodle JW
Res Dog CC : 6915 EDWARDS Mrs S E Gwendariff Ps I Love You Bonhomie JW
Bitch CC : 6961 JONES Mrs R Gwendariff Nutmeg Shcm
Res Bitch CC : 6905 CROCKER Mr B A Sh Ch Riverbrue Gloriana
Best Puppy : 6916 EDWARDS Mrs S E Gwendariff Ucantmissme Bonhomie
Best Veteran : 6981 MILLIGAN-BOTT, Mrs D & BOTT Mr J N Sh Ch Thendara Pot Noodle JW
Class 2019 MPD (10 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 7019 STEWART-RITCHIE Mrs D Gwendariff Look No Further
A very nice puppy, with nice head and for age already nice body and balance with good angulations. Excellent in bone and feet. He has a nice and correct coat structure. Lovely temperament and attitude and performing well with a at this tender age excellent movement.
2nd: 6986 NEEDS Mr & Mrs W & A Covarney Paco Rabanne
Lovely boy, nice type. Stronger and more matured than first. He has a nice masculine head, excellent bone and nice coat structure. Today he spoilt it a bit for himself on the move but this is perfectly forgiven at this age.
3rd: 6923 GARDINER Mr & Mrs A L & S A Glimmer Noblesse Citizen Kane Of Blaysdell (Imp) N
Class 2020 PD (10 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6916 EDWARDS Mrs S E Gwendariff Ucantmissme Bonhomie
This is a very handsome, attractive and good looking young man. He is excellent in type and balance with excellent angulations, bone and feet. Nice masculine head. Strong and well made in body and ribs. He has a nice and correct coat. He moved very well, covering ground well using legs the correct way. Loved his temperament and attitude. Elegant and racy without any exaggeration. Best puppy dog, best puppy in breed.
2nd: 6986 NEEDS Mr & Mrs W & A Covarney Paco Rabanne
3rd: 6971 LUCAS Mrs P & Mr P Kerryfair Love On The Rocks Amberlight
Class 2021 JD (10 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6871 ANTHONY, Ms M & HOPEWELL Mr D Staratlantas Out A Time JW
Handsome boy, well made overall. Love his type. Nice masculine head and expression. Excellent body and angulations. Nice gently sloping topline and tailset. Correct coat. Moving well around with style, just prefer him a little stronger and more regular behind.
2nd: 6935 HADFIELD Mrs M Staratlanta Get A Wiggle On To Marzanne
A nice boy with masculine head but prefer better parallel lines. He is well made in body, angulations, bone and feet with correct topline. Lovely correct coat. Moving well and strong with good reach and drive.
3rd: 6907 DANKS-KEMISH Miss O P Teleri Summertime Blues Avec Alolfrana (ai) JW
Class 2022 YD (13 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 6947 HILL - DE COSTER Mrs Y Vicary's Part Time Lover Njch & Bjch
Nice type of dog, balanced with good proportions and correct moderate slope in topline. Very handsome head, eye and expression. Excellent body, angulations, bone and feet. He moved with drive using legs the correct way and showed a good temperament and attitude. Perhaps coat could be a little straighter.
2nd: 6949 HOLLEY Mrs J E Wynjill Snap Dragon
A very handsome boy. Preferred front angulations and movement of first. Nice masculine head with nice expression. He is excellent in body, topline and tailset. Loved his very correct coat and deep shining colour.
3rd: 6911 DEWAR Mrs L Gwendariff Willy Wont He
Class 2023 GD (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6968 LORRIMER Mrs J M Kerrimere Classique JW
A very stylish dog, elegant and showing racy as this breed should do. Loved his type, outline and balance. Elegant in outline, nice topline and correct tailset. Nice head, neck and topline. Excellent angulations front and behind. Correct coat structure. Moving around with temperament and style but should be more regular and steady in front movement.
2nd: 6950 HOLLEY Mrs J E Wynjill Winner Takes All JW
A nice dog, racy in outline, elegant and racy. Nice masculine head. In my opinion needs more forechest. Excellent in ribs, bone and feet. Very correct in coat structure with nice deep colour. Moving well, with good reach in front and drive from behind. Needs some more time to further mature.
3rd: 6925 GISBY Mrs & Miss T & G Suteresett King Of Hearts JW
Class 2024 PGD (14 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6902 CONDRON Mr & Mrs GT & KEB Gwendariff D'ya Fancy A Fling With Covarney
Lovely type with nice balance and proportions. Good topline and tailset. Masculine head and expression. He has good angulations, bone and feet. Lovely correct deep coloured coat. Moving well with drive and temperament.
2nd: 7006 RUSSELL Mrs J Strathmead Huckleberry Of Settesoli
Nice dog of good racy type and elegant in outline. Masculine head. Excellent body. Prefer to see a little more length in front legs. Nice topline with correct tailset. I liked him very much on the move with good drive and temperament, but perhaps tail a little high.
3rd: 6959 JONES Mrs J A Hunnicote Handyman
Class 2025 LD (17 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6915 EDWARDS Mrs S E Gwendariff Ps I Love You Bonhomie JW
Interesting class with close decisions to be made, order of placing may differ on another occasion. But found today this dog is the winner of this class. He was in a nice condition and performing well with correct temperament and attitude. A very nice and lovely dog, loved the nice type and balance. Excellent in body, angulations, bone and feet. Nice correct gently sloping topline and correct tailset. Very nice masculine head and expression. Lovely correct coat structure and nice colour. Moving well around with drive, style and temperament, only a little close behind. Res. CC dog.
2nd: 6904 CONDRON, Mr & Mrs D & H & NEEDS Mrs A Covarney Macaroon Sh.CM
Also loved this dog of good type, racy and elegant. Excellent forechest, body bone and feet. Good angulations, correct topline and tailset. Nice coat and colour. He moved well with drive and temperament but compared to first was a little loose in front movement.
3rd: 6972 LUCAS Mrs P & Mr P Bardonhill Eternal Flame Among Amberlight JW
Class 2026 OD (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6967 LONGBOTTOM, Mesdames C R & A & STEWART-RITCHIE D Gwendariff Unknown Soldier JW
Another interesting and exciting class and close decisions to be made. A lovely dog, like the type. Masculine overall with nice head and expression. Excellent strong body with correct topline and tailset. Excellent angulations, bone and feet. Lovely coat. Excellent strong movement with excellent drive and power from behind, reaching out well in front and with temperament on the move using legs very well. He had a good attitude and performed well on the move.
2nd: 7018 STEWART, Mr A & RITCHIE-SMITH Miss D Sh Ch & Ir Sh Ch Gwendariff Whippersnapper JW CW15
This is a lovely dog, excellent in body, balance and proportions. Always liked this dog and as usual shown and handled to perfection. Love the size of this dog. Very nice in head with correct balance, proportions and expression, lean and long as it should be. Excellent angulations, bone and feet. He has a very correct coat structure. Moving well with temperament and excellent attitude, just in my opinion found the first in this class showed a little more power from behind.
3rd: 7004 ROWBOTTOM Mr G & Mrs D Sh Ch Lanstara Spring Moon
Class 2027 VD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6981 MILLIGAN-BOTT, Mrs D & BOTT Mr J N Sh Ch Thendara Pot Noodle JW
What can I add more to the credits of this dog. I really have approached this dog, such as other winners in this or other classes, from scratch, regardless of any previous wins or achievements. Today at the age of 8 this dog was in a superb condition and showing excellent attitude and temperament. A lovely dog of nice type, proportions and balance. Superb nice long and lean head as the standard asks with correct eye shape and expression. Excellent in neck, topline and tailset showing no exaggeration in outline. Excellent angulations, bone and feet. Today he was in a lovely condition, correct coat and nice colour. As usual handled and shown to perfection. At the age of 8 this dog was moving around with the best of attitude and temperament performing at his very best, head high and correct tail carriage and action with excellent drive and forward reach. CC dog, BOB and 2nd in Gundog group.
2nd: 6899 COHEN Mr & Mrs H Caispern Lorenzo With Shushana JW Sh.CM
Another dog of lovely type, very Irish, stylish and excellent proportions. It is a nice balanced dog, just felt today he could show a little firmer topline. Excellent angulations, bone and feet. Nice coat and colour. Moving well with excellent drive and temperament.
3rd: 6957 HYSLOP Mrs G Gwendariff the Specialist
Class 2028 GCD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6871 ANTHONY, Ms M & HOPEWELL Mr D Staratlantas Out A Time JW
2nd: 6946 HEPPELL Mrs D Deevonville Santana Sh.CM
Nice type and masculine dog with good masculine head. Strong in body and bone and good angulations. Moving well with drive and power and correct tail action.
3rd: 6953 HOSKINS Miss B Sandstream Just A Breeze With Ralphski
Class 2029 MPB (12 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6951 HOLLEY Mrs J E Gwendariff Look This Way To Wynjill
Sweet nice little puppy. She is very nice, liked her very much, lovely type and balance, perhaps today a little shirt in body but she is still in growing mode. Excellent outline, topline and tailset. Feminine head and expression. Nice angulations and good ribs for age. She was moving well, extrovert and with temperament and drive and excellent forward drive once she decided to keep 4 feet to the ground, but absolutely to be forgiven at this age.
2nd: 7008 RUTHERFORD Mrs P J Majestyka Indian Summer At Clonageera
Another very nice puppy, different in type to first but I really liked her much. Stronger in body and more matured than the winner in this class but still feminine with a lovely head. Excellent body, angulations and bone. Nice correct coat. Excellent temperament and drive on the move. Today could be more regular in front movement which is completely to be forgiven at this age but she has an excellent drive from behind. A very promising puppy.
3rd: 7021 STURROCK Mrs S & Misses N & J Forfarian Soo Lush
Class 2030 PB (13 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6877 BARKER Mrs F E Danaway Tilly At Flinthill
Lovely puppy, nice altogether. Strong in body and bone but still feminine overall. Nice topline and tailset. Perhaps feet could be more compact. Moving well but could show more spirit and drive.
2nd: 6965 KENNEDY-SLOANE Mrs G Twoacres Destiny
Nice type, feminine head and expression. Excellent front, bone and topline. Excellent and correct coat. She moved well although tail action could be better and holding it a little low today.
3rd: 6880 BERRY, Mrs B & MORRIS Mrs L Quensha What A Girl Wants Via Brinara NAF
Class 2031 JB (8 Entries) Abs: 6
1st: 6891 CATLING Mrs P A M Teleri Indian Summer (ai) JW
Lovely type, nice in balance, stylishoutline and excellent proportions. Feminine head. Excellent neck, topline and tailset. Excellent bone. Correct coat structure. Moving well, strong behind but a front legs held a little high on the move.
2nd: 6893 CATLING Mrs P A M Teleri Here Comes Summer (ai)
Another nice balanced bitch. Feminine head and expression. Nice topline although found her tailset was a bit low.Good bone and angulations but prefer more compact feet. Correct coat. Good temperament on the move but needs to become more regular in front movement.
Class 2032 YB (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6984 MUGFORD Mr R C & Mrs J P Lynwood Abracadabra JW
This is a very nice girl, lovely type, shape and balance. Feminine head and expression. Excellent forechest, angulations, bone but perhaps feet could be a little more compact. She has a nice and correct coat. Moving really well, strong and extended front and back and straight forwards.
2nd: 6914 EDWARDS Mrs S E Gwendariff Its Numero Uno at Bonhomie
Taller type of bitch but still feminine. Nice shaped feminine head. Very excellent in body, angulations and bone. Correct coat. Moving well, strong with good front extension.
3rd: 6900 COLEMAN Mrs S L Devacott Rose Creek
Class 2033 GB (10 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: 6878 BEGG, Mrs S & MILLIGAN-BOTT, Mrs D & BOTT Mr J Susie Snapshot By Thendara JW
Elegant and feminine in outline. Nice balance. Lovely feminine head and expression. Excellent angulations behind, perhaps could be little more pronounced in front. Nice bone. Lovely topline and tailset. Perhaps not in best coat today but seems be of correct structure. She moved well, strong and straight forwards.
2nd: 6884 BRIDGWATER Mrs D & Mr W Blazing Bronze Eye Candy (Imp)
A nice and compact type of good size. Although feminine in head I prefer a better eye shape and expression. Excellent in bone, topline and angulations. Front feet can be better. Excellent and correct coat. A little low in tailset. She moved really well with good drive and reach and with nice tail action.
3rd: 6913 DOW Mrs J G Shenanagin Stolen Kiss
Class 2034 PGB (11 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6917 ELKINS Mrs M Twoacres Promise Of Spring With Avacet
Nice balance and size. Very standard in type showing elegance and racy. She pleased me and reminds me some from earlier days similar with type. Very clean in outline without any exaggeration. Nice feminine head. Excellent body and topline. Excellent angulations and bone. Just prefer better compact feet. She has a correct coat structure which needs to grow to show a better condition than today but which will come, but of course this happens in bitches. She was moving really well, strong and sound with good tail action, drive from behind and extended in front.
2nd: 6903 CONDRON Mr & Mrs GT & KEB Covarney Lil'minx
Lovely type, strong made but still feminine although I prefer a little more feminine in head and expression. Excellent in body, very nice feet. Nice angulations. Nice from neck to topline but a little low tailset. Correct coat structure and deep coulour. Very active and powerfull on the move but she needs to be a little more steady and regular in front.
3rd: 6958 HYSLOP Mrs G Gwendariff On A Rollacoasta
Class 2035 LB (16 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: 6961 JONES Mrs R Gwendariff Nutmeg Shcm
Interesting and hairsplitting class. She is a lovely type, a very nice bitch. Excellent type, shape and size. Nice balance and proportions with excellent outline. Lovely feminine head and expression. Excellent topline and tailset. Nice angulations, bone and feet. Perhaps she needs just a little more forechest. Correct coat structure with nice deep colour. Nice tailset. Very strong and extended on the move and straight forwards. Excellent attitude and temperament and performing very well on the move with correct tail carriage and action. Bitch CC and BOS.
2nd: 6882 BLACKSHAW Mrs V Lanstara Spring Star JW
Another lovely bitch in very much correct coat and correct deep colour. She is a nice and lovely type, a little more compact in proportions. Excellent feminine head and expression. Nice angulations, bone and feet. Nice topline and tailset. Also very powerfull on the move and happy correct tail action.
3rd: 6908 DANKS-KEMISH Miss O P Rappatty Star Light Over Alolfrana JW Sh.CM
Class 2036 OB (9 Entries) Abs: 6
1st: 6905 CROCKER Mr B A Sh Ch Riverbrue Gloriana
A very pretty and nice feminine bitch. Stylish in outline and nice proportions. Love the type, nice size. Excellent feminine head and expression. She is excellent in forechest and front. Nice gentle sloping topline and tailset. Lovely coat of correct structure and deep rich colour. She is moving well with excellent temperament and attitude and drive from behind, could only be a bit more regular in elbows. Res bitch CC and she was very much a challenge to the CC winner.
2nd: 7022 STURROCK Mrs S & Misses N & J Sh Ch Forfarian Hey Sexy Lady JW
Different in type to winner but very much a quality and elegant bitch. Nice type and feminine. Excellent in head and expression. Well made body and angulations, nice bone and feet. Nice coat structure which today needs to grow into a little better coat condition. She moved with style and elegance but could have more power from behind.
3rd: 6936 HADFIELD Mrs M Marzanne China In Your Hand :
Class 2037 VB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6933 GREENWOOD Mr B & Mrs S Carnbargus Confiture
Lovely feminine face and expression. Needs more front angulation. She is low in tailset and fine in bone. Would like to see more power from behind on the move.
Class 2038 GCB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6936 HADFIELD Mrs M Marzanne China In Your Hand
A strong bitch but still feminine, well made and excellent body, bone and angulations. Good front, topline and tailset. Very correct coat. She moved well but crabbing and could be more straight forward.
2nd: 7032 WATERTON Miss S Sandstream Summer Breeze JW
Elegant and feminine bitch. Very elegant and feminine in head. Nice proportions. Sufficient in bone and angulations. She will need furthermore time to mature. Liked to see more drive and power on the move.
R. Blomme