- Show Date: 15/12/2018
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Thomas West Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Ladies Kennel Association
Class 1861 MPD NO ENTRIES Class 1862 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6412 SQUIRE Mrs T Bellevue Dreamed A Dream
Quality puppy who is so sound to go over. Good head, broad muzzle, excellent bite. Well defined stop. Ears well placed. Super front, well placed shoulder into short coupled body with level topline. He moves out so well, holding his outline with tail bang on top. Moving with drive from the rear, free and easy both ways. In excellent coat, one to watch in the future I’m sure. BPIB
2nd: 6409 SMITH Mrs C A Lingbeck The One And Only
A lot to like about this boy, super harsh jacket, strong head with broad muzzle and an excellent bite. Straight front and excellent pigment. With maturity I feel will develop in his shoulder and upper arm which will enable a more typical reach as he moves in front. Class 1863 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6396 JENKINS, Mrs J & CROCKETT, Mr K & WESTERN Mr M Havasu Hear Me Roar
Lovely outline standing and held on the move. Good head, excellent bite, ears well placed, defined stop. Super front, well placed shoulder, level topline. Good depth of rib and short in loin, well angulated rear, tail set & carriage correct. Moving true both ways.
2nd: 6374 BURNS, Miss M & BURNS Mrs A Burneze Wild At Heart
Excellent presented male, scored in head, muzzle and stop. Super front and well boned. Well placed shoulder. Narrower through than 1 and not the tail set & topline that 1 maintains whilst moving. So clean in front and moves true both ways. Class 1864 PGD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6397 MILNER Mr G R & Mrs J A Juanne Rufus The Ruffian
Excellent skull, broad muzzle and defined stop, super bite. Straight front and good depth of chest. Well placed shoulder into level topline. Short coupled. Well angulated rear with good bend of stifle. Head proportions and substance gave him the edge here.
2nd: 6381 COOPER Dr S Brorastar Urban Spaceman
Pleasing outline with tail on top at all times. Harsh jacket but some discolouring on this occasion. Narrower in head than 1. Good front, well placed shoulder and level topline. Moving with gusto around the ring.
3rd: 6407 NEWCOMB Mr & Mrs D A Comdale For Your Eyes Only Class 1865 LD (7 Entries) Abs: 1
Super class, varying types but lots to admire.
1st: 6378 CARLIN, Mrs E & GILLOTT Miss J E Lizandycris Paco Rooban
Masculine outline, excellent head, good pigment and correct bite. Super front and good depth to chest. Well placed shoulder into good neck and level topline. Short Plenty of rib and short coupled, well muscled rear, tail well set. Good bend of stifle and well angulated. Moving out well, with good extension front and back when viewed in profile. In super harsh jacket and condition. RCC
2nd: 6372 BERRY Mrs K Karamynd Star Player With Ashgate
Another quality male with a lot to like. Of correct size, good head and excellent stop giving that keen expression. Well placed ears and good pigment. Straight front, well placed shoulder into ultra short body. Tail well set and carried on top, moving with drive.
3rd: 6383 DALE Miss M Lynnsto Special Agent Class 1866 OD (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6395 JARUTHAVEE Mrs P AM Ch Zackshine Boy de la Pomme
Excellent male who presents the picture of balance and no exaggeration. Strong head, broad muzzle and defined stop. Correct bite, super straight front, well boned. Good neck, excellent layback of shoulder into short coupled body. Good depth of rib, level topline with tail bang on top. Good bend of stifle, and well angulated. He moves as he stands, holding his outline and head carriage throughout. Moved at the correct pace to demonstrate his reach and drive. Clean in front but particularly good in rear where he moves out so well. Presented in top order. CC, BOB & Group 2
2nd: 6401 MOLONY Mrs P A Killynether Kolumbo TAF
Another male who is honest, of the correct size and without exaggeration. Super head, excellent bite. Broad muzzle with defined stop. Well boned, well placed shoulder. Not as short in loin as 1 but as well angulated and with good muscle throughout. He moves with great drive, covering the ground well. Class 1867 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6386 FRYER Mrs S A Ch & Int Ch Hopecharm Prince Harry (Imp)
Quality male in excellent jacket and condition. Excellent head, ears well placed, defined stop which gives his keen expression. Correct bite. Super front, well placed shoulder into short coupled body. Well angulated and good bone and substance. Moving out well. BV
2nd: 6420 WINDRAM Mr G C & Mrs C E Leonardo Ventura
Pleasing head, strong muzzle and correct bite. Good front, level topline and good bone. Moving out well, not the finish of 1. Class 1869 MPB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6377 BURNS, Miss M & BURNS Mrs A Burneze Maid To Order
Promising puppy, lovely outline. Pleasing head, well placed ears, short muzzle. Correct bite. Super front, well placed shoulder into short coupled body. Tail on top and moving out well. BPB
2nd: 6400 MITCHELL Mrs A Frazandmitch Summer Love Just a baby but lots to like. Excellent rear with good ‘bum’ and tail set. Well angulated. Not as short coupled as 1 but there is plenty of time to develop.
Class 1870 PB NO ENTRIES Class 1871 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
Interesting class, differing levels of maturity and types.
1st: 6393 HARPER Miss K Westigo Full Of Cheek
Lovely bitch to go over, Good head, well placed ears, broad muzzle with defined stop, excellent bite. Good front, well placed shoulder into level topline. Short coupled and a good depth of rib. Well angulated and moving well both ways with her tail on top.
2nd: 6375 BURNS, Miss M & BURNS Mrs A Tweed Telling Stories (Imp)
Another lovely bitch, pleasing head, excellent bite and muzzle. Good depth of rib and short coupled loin. Excellent bend of stifle and well angulated. In excellent harsh jacket. A little erratic on the move which effected her front movement.
3rd: 6385 DAVIES Mrs R Swifdon Late Night Special Class 1872 PGB (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6413 STEEMSON Ms J Bocans News Flash
Excellent head proportions, broad muzzle with defined stop, Excellent bite. Straight front, good neck and well placed shoulder. Good depth of rib, short coupled, good bend of stifle and well angulated. Plenty behind the tail, with a good set and carriage. Moving out with drive and with the correct head carriage whilst doing so.
2nd: 6387 FRYER Mrs S A Hopecharm Pretty Penny
Another lovely bitch, excellent head with such a keen expression. Good bite. Straight front, well placed shoulder into level topline. Good depth of rib. Moves out with drive, with strength in her rear.
3rd: 6389 GALE Miss K Bellevue Nuts 'n Bolts Class 1873 LB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6384 DALE Miss M Lynnsto Evelyn All
Both 1 & 2 I have judged before and still admire. 1 is ultra short and compact, pleasing head, excellent shoulder into short coupled body. Tail on top throughout and my notes read ‘moves as she stands’, holding herself so well and maintaining her outline. RCC
2nd: 6392 HANDS, Mrs B & STRAND Mrs L Crinan Carousel
Such a sound bitch with no exaggeration and lovely to go over. She has an excellent head, good stop and broad muzzle. Straight front and good substance throughout. Like 1, she holds herself well on the move and comes to a stop with her tail up holding her outline. To be ultra critical and it needed to be in deciding here, I felt 1 is slightly shorter in loin and had the straighter jacket on this occasion.
3rd: 6415 STOREY Mr K M Lizandycris Dior For Nossimp Class 1874 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 6376 BURNS, Miss M & BURNS Mrs A Ch Burneze Our Marnie
Lovely bitch to go over. Super head, defined stop and short muzzle, giving her that keen varminty expression. Excellent pigment. Super front assembly. Good neck and well placed shoulder into level topline. Good rib, short coupled and well angulated in her rear. On the move she covers the ground well, with excellent reach both ways, holding her outline here well with tail on top. Presented in excellent order. Pleased to award her the CC and clear for me to see why she has done so much winning to date. On the final lap for BOB she lacked the verve of the male but I felt they made a nice pair.
2nd: 6406 MEHEE Mrs S Fr Ch Lily Rose Champagne De Biguinine
Another bitch from the top drawer. Up to size but so well balanced. Superb head and expression, strong muzzle with defined stop. Excellent bone, well placed shoulder into short coupled body. Level topline. Moving out well, good angulation and bend of stifle. Holding her shape well. On this occasion I felt was carrying a little too much weight otherwise could have challenged for the RCC. Class 1875 VB (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6421 WINDRAM Mr G C & Mrs C E Cochansa Dales Pride
Good harsh jacket, good head with defined stop. Straight front, level topline, excellent tail set. Moving out well.