- Show Date: 15/12/2018
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Yvonne Billows Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Ladies Kennel Association
BEST OF BREED : 8156 CORBETT Miss S J Sh Ch Trimere Ticket Maid
Dog CC : 8189 SMITH Mr R J Sh Ch Melverly Top Geezer
Res Dog CC : 8198 TOPLISS Mrs T E Beresford Night Train
Bitch CC : 8156 CORBETT Miss S J Sh Ch Trimere Ticket Maid
Res Bitch CC : 8159 DOBBIN Mrs N Donarden Dream Baby
Best Puppy : 8187 SHOVEL Mr M J & Mrs J V Tiverstone Petit Muscat
Best Veteran : 8202 TRACZ Miss J J Sh Ch Meadowdale Alabama Slammer at Acregate Sh.CM
Class 2247 MPD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8168 GRAY Mr & Mrs N & S Trimere Time Tracker
Liver/white, 8 months old with very nice head and expression, showing a fair bit of maturity in body against some of the other minor puppy dogs in the class. He has quality bone and substance and moved steadily for one so young. Strong neck on his well-placed shoulders and good definition to hindquarters which he used well. Presented in super coat and condition.
2nd: 8163 EASTWOOD, Ms D & TRUEMAN Mr S Eastfalla Next Step
Liver and white who displays a compact outline for a youngster. Pleasing head and expression at this early stage of his showing career. Presented in immaculate coat and was a steady mover but felt that he could perhaps strengthen up in hindquarters, which will likely come with time, but he was moving a little close behind today.
3rd: 8182 MERRY Mrs H Chelmeress Tommy Boy Into Anacapa
Res: 8175 KEELY Mr & Mrs M & K Alhambian Bon Scott
Class 2248 PD NO ENTRIES
Class 2249 JD NO ENTRIES
Class 2250 PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8198 TOPLISS Mrs T E Beresford Night Train
So much to like about this quality liver and white boy. Fabulous bone and substance and a pleasure to go over as he does not disappoint. Great proportions to head, required chiselling for all to admire and pleasing eye colour and shape provide a masculine alert, kind expression. Stands on tight well-rounded feet, oozes muscle definition overall and moved soundly. Well placed angles front and rear present a symmetrical outline which is easy on the eye. Altogether a very, very impressive exhibit. I was pleased to award him the Reserve CC and feel sure that he has greater things to come.
2nd: 8203 TWILLEY Mrs R & Mr M Mompesson Royal Dreamer
Liver and white all male ESS. Would perhaps prefer him not quite so heavy in head, and maybe a little less body length. Good depth to chest and well-muscled hindquarters. Moved soundly but did not have the same presence and pizazz as first.
3rd: 8197 THOMAS Mr D & Miss G Tigerrock Super Ted
Res: 8177 KEIGHLEY Mr J C & Mrs S J Pendarlow Denahi
Class 2251 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8193 SUCH Miss J A Trimere Ticks The Box At Mujascal Sh.CM
Lovely balance and outline to this liver and white quality dog. Pleasing head and masculine expression and shown in lovely coat and condition with strong muscle definition throughout. Has good angulation front and rear with depth to chest and body of ample proportions. He moved soundly in an easy free manner.
2nd: 8167 GLENDINNING, Ms F & BOOLE Mrs E Plaiglen Beaters Btrue
Well put together quality black and white and another with good head and expression and also plenty of substance overall. He was presented in super condition with a smart well-balanced outline which he maintained at all times. Enough muscle tone throughout and not overdone in any way. It was a close decision between first and second and felt that they could perhaps change places on another day.
3rd: 8196 TAUBMAN Mrs K C Meonstoke Hawthorn
Res: 8183 MERRY, Mrs H J & WRIGHT Mr G J Anacapa Justjack
Class 2252 OD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8189 SMITH Mr R J Sh Ch Melverly Top Geezer
Super liver and white all male top quality exhibit that impresses both standing and on the move. Very balanced in outline and presented in super coat and condition. A delight to go over. Masculine head of correct proportions, eye shape and placement, coupled with a classic stop giving, for me, that much desired alert, kind expression. Has a muscular neck of good length and well laid shoulders. This was coupled with a deep chest, strong body core and well-developed broad thighs. His angulation front and rear impressed me. I was pleased to award him the Dog CC.
2nd: 8149 BROUGH, Ms C & WALKER Mr P Riselawroad No Deal
A quality liver and white male who I have judged before and also placed him highly. My opinion has not changed, and I still consider him to have a very pleasing masculine head of correct proportions, his eye shape and colour enabling that melting expression. He presents a balanced outline with a deep chest and strong loin coupled with muscular thighs that provide him with all the correct attributes to enable him to move soundly. A very honest ESS with much to like about him.
3rd: 8173 JACKSON, Mr & Mrs R & F & JACKSON Mr B Mompesson Devonshire
Res: 8201 TRACZ Miss J J Melverly Desert Strike Over Acregate JW Sh.CM
Class 2253 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8202 TRACZ Miss J J Sh Ch Meadowdale Alabama Slammer at Acregate Sh.CM
A liver and white dog that I have awarded a 1st before in a veteran class as I judged him when he was seven years old and was pleased to see that now at ten years old, he is continuing to impress. Always a sound mover he never lets his handler down. Was presented in immaculate coat and condition.
2nd: 8161 DOWNWARD Mrs M C Alanea Smax JW
10-year-old liver and white male who is a credit to his owner. Not the bone and substance of 1 but moved steadily and covered the ground well.
Class 2255 MPB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8157 CORBETT, Miss S & HILL Mrs A Trimere Time To Shine
Liver and white quality baby who took a while to settle in her movement, but when she did, she moved soundly. Plenty of substance for one so young and had great front and rear angulation and plenty of strength to body, all of which contributed to her winning the class. Very pretty in head, with good proportions and definition, there was no denying her femininity. Very promising.
2nd: 8164 EASTWOOD, Ms D & TRUEMAN Mr S Eastfalla Rock My World
Another liver and white quality baby, shown is super coat and condition. A good deep chest for a youngster, but for me, not quite the body or front and rear angulation of the winner. However, she moved soundly and with drive.
3rd: 8165 FRUSHER Mrs S Eastfalla New Beginning
Res: 8158 CROUCH Mrs A E Trimere Timeless With Kassan
Class 2256 PB (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 8187 SHOVEL Mr M J & Mrs J V Tiverstone Petit Muscat
Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous puppy bitch she is. Fell in love with her as soon as I went over her. Eleven-month old black and white, presented in super coat and condition. Her head and expression were delightful, she moved like a dream and I felt that she never put a foot wrong in the ring. I liked everything about her and wish her and her owners a very successful career in the show ring. I was pleased to award her Best Puppy in Breed.
2nd: 8178 KIBBY Mrs J I Tiverstone Lady’s Delight
I see from the catalogue that this is the liver and white litter sister to the winner of this class. A feminine puppy, still a baby, who stands a little taller and for me presently does not have the same balance and substance in body as her sister. However, that said she has good bone and moved well but perhaps needs to tighten up in front a little - given time will likely reach her potential.
3rd: 8209 WEYMAN Mrs J Spuffing Tanqueray
Res: 8158 CROUCH Mrs A E Trimere Timeless With Kassan
VHC: 8162 DUNN, Miss K & BROWN Miss J Valrussan Black Onyx
Class 2257 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8181 MACLEAY Mrs H & Mr S Potrail Shape Of You
Liver white and tan bitch with good substance, nice bone and standing on tight compact feet. With feminine head and expression, she presents a balanced outline displaying ample length of neck and well-placed shoulders and possesses a deep chest and strong body core. She showed herself off well and moved steadily and with drive.
2nd: 8162 DUNN, Miss K & BROWN Miss J Valrussan Black Onyx
Presented in good coat and condition. Seemed unsettled on the move and not giving of her best in both front and rear movement.
Class 2258 PGB (10 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 8159 DOBBIN Mrs N Donarden Dream Baby
Liver, white and tan bitch of top quality, caught my eye as she entered the ring. Correct proportions to her beautiful head with the right amount of chiselling, fairly broad slightly rounded skull as desired and well-placed ears to compliment. Her eye colour, shape and set were so pleasing providing the melting expression that I feel is so important and that she has in abundance. She is also impressive in stance and has good substance and a strong body with well sprung ribs and muscular loin. Well-developed thighs give great definition to her hindquarters which were fully displayed in her super movement. Presented in first class coat and condition. Was pleased to award her the Reserve CC.
2nd: 8199 TOPLISS Mrs T E Beresford Night Class
Liver/white bitch and another of top quality presented in lovely coat and condition. Gentle feminine expression and correct proportions and definition to head. A deep chest with well sprung ribs, coupled with good angulation front and rear completed the picture. A sound mover who holds her topline well on the move.
3rd: 8148 AINSLEY, Miss L & NICKLIN Mr L Daenerys Winds Of Winter
Res: 8176 KEELY Mr & Mrs M & K Shipden Alhambian Diana Dors
VHC: 8210 WEYMAN Mrs J Spuffing Molly's Secret
Class 2259 LB (10 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 8188 SHOVEL Mr M J & Mrs J V Tiverstone Bess Pool
Really close decision for me in this class for 1st and 2nd. Both liver and white bitches were of super quality, both displaying excellent bone and substance, good length to neck and well laid shoulders. Both exhibits used the ring effectively showing their steady true movement and held their toplines well. Two truly feminine bitches, but I just preferred the more gentler definition in head to the exhibit placed first.
2nd: 8155 CORBETT Miss S J Trimere Ticatboo
3rd: 8185 RICHARDSON, Mr P & TERRY-RICHARDSON Mrs Y Cherishym Chara
Res: 8200 TOPLISS Mrs T E Lordsett Uptown Girl At Beresford (Imp)
VHC: 8212 WILDSMITH, Mr & Mrs S & M & BROWN E & G Trimere Tickle Me Fancy
Class 2260 OB (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8156 CORBETT Miss S J Sh Ch Trimere Ticket Maid
What a beautiful bitch I found this exhibit to be and she was presented in top class order. She oozes quality and femininity from every pore. I consider that she has a classic ESS head that many would aspire to. Her foreface and skull are of true proportions, her eye shape and set are correct and give that desired alert kind expression which is enhanced by the delicate chiselling below her eyes and the required definition to her stop. She has a super neck leading into sloping shoulders, good depth to her chest, with well sprung ribs and a strong loin which, coupled with well-developed muscular thighs enables her to have full driving action as she moved so free and easily around the ring. I was pleased to award her the Bitch CC and Best of Breed.
2nd: 8174 JACKSON, Mr & Mrs R & F & JACKSON Mr B Sh Ch Mompesson Legacy
Another super feminine bitch of top quality who has excellent bone and substance. She is so well balanced and presents a very pleasing outline of textbook proportions. She has super eye colour and placement which gives a really gentle and kind expression. Excellent neck and shoulders with good strength to body. A very sound mover who was a pleasure to watch going around the ring.
3rd: 8154 CORBETT Mrs A E Olliwa Ruthless With Trimere (Imp)
Res: 8147 AINSLEY, Miss L & NICKLIN Mr L Carlyquinn Candy Kisses TAF
VHC: 8186 RICHARDSON, Mr P & TERRY-RICHARDSON Mrs Y Cherishym Celaneo
Class 2261 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 2
No entries
Class 2262 GCB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8211 WEYMAN Mrs J Spuffing Rioja
Liver and white bitch of smart outline. A little unsteady on the move at first but when she settled moved true and held her shape well as she has a strong body core. Standing on compact feet, she has nice angulation front and rear and good width to hindquarters.
2nd: 8178 KIBBY Mrs J I Tiverstone Ladys Delight
3rd: 8204 TWILLEY Mrs R & Mr M Kingsheath Asuka