- Show Date: 09/12/2018
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: David Williams Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Terrier Club Of South Wales
The Terrier Club Of South Wales
Open Show 9th December 2018
It was an honour and a privilege to be asked to judge at The Terrier Club of South Wales Open Show. Many thanks to the Officers, Committee and Exhibitors for all their support.
Airedale Terrier Open D/B
1st and BOB Hacker & Jenkins' Crillee What A Carry On At Sherifs
A feminine headed bitch with good dark eyes and well positioned ears, correct bite, nice length of neck leading to good shoulders, nice top-line, good ribs,well boned, very well presented and handled, a little erratic on her front movement today.
Australian Terrier Open D/B
1st and BOB Jones' Dan.Ch./Lux.Ch.Wyeafon Blue Illusion
A well presented and handled dog, with a good head and expression, correct bite, good outline, nicely boned, good turn of stifle, in good coat, moved well.
Bedlington Terrier Open D/B
1st and BOB Bouse's Beaconslight Admirable Guy
A masculine headed dog, with good eye and expression, good pigmentation, correct bite, lovely temperament, good reach of neck with nice top-line, good rear, lovely outline, moved well, would have liked to have seen shorter nails.
Border Terrier Puppy D/B
1st BOB, BP and PG3 Green's Bryngoch Beau Brumel
Seven month old dog, with good head, nice dark eyes, good ear set, correct bite, lovely expression, in nice coat, good rib, good reach of neck going into a nice top-line, very well presented and handled well.
Cairn Terrier Open D/B
1st BOB and G3 Thomas' Tycadno Dancing Star
A lovely quality girl, great expression, good teeth with correct bite, good feminine head with good ear set, nice reach of neck, well bodied, good bone, in great condition, very well presented and handled.
Fox Terrier (Smooth) Open D/B
1st BOB and RBIS Jones' Darlaur Deja Vu
A very well presented bitch with a feminine head, lovely dark eye, good ear placement, with good teeth and correct bite, good pigmentation, nice reach of neck great top-line, good rib, well boned, nice tight feet with short nails, handled and presented well both in the class and the Group.
Fox Terrier (Wire) Open D/B
1st and BOB Moakes' Jomoaka Tiger Lily
Good expression, nice ear placement, with dark eyes, correct bite, nice reach of neck going into nice shoulders, well ribbed, good turn of stifle, moved well, nicely presented and handled.
2nd Moakes' Blackdale Request of Jomoaka 8 year old bitch, with feminine head, nicely presented and handled, in good condition.
Cesky Terrier Open D/B
1st BOB and BIS Burrows' Pendevour Pierrot (Sh. CM)
Another quality dog, very well presented and handled, great head, with good expression and good teeth with correct bite, in great condition, lovely top-line, well boned, good feet with short nails, was a pleasure to watch on the move. My obvious BIS winner.
Glen of Imaal Terrier Open D/B
1st and BOB Campen & Moakes' Romainville Rock 'N' Rolla At Coedrhosyn
A lovely headed bitch with lovely expression and good ear placement, good pigmentation, correct bite, good bone, nicely presented and handled.
Jack Russell Terrier Graduate D/B
1st and BP Glenhaford Moonbeam
A very nice puppy, sweet expression, nice dark eye good ear placement, correct bite, good outline, will move better with more maturity.
Jack Russell Terrier Open D/B
1st & BOB Mason's Jackandfish Super Eight (ShCM) (It Imp)
Very well presented and handled, good eye lovely expression, well ribbed, nice bone moved well.
Norfolk Terrier Open D/B
1st & BOB Owens' Brickin Happy Dance
Feminine headed girl, with lovely expression, correct bite, in good condition, well ribbed, well presented, a little unsettled on the move.
Sealyham Terrier Open D/B
1st & BOB Wonnacott's Jacott Dancers Welsh Wizard
Lovely expression with dark eye, good teeth with correct bite, well ribbed, good top-line, with good turn of stifle, a little unsure on move today, well presented.
Skye Terrier Open D/B
1st & BOB Grainger's Whicheeta Celtic Connection
Lovely headed, very well presented, nice dark eye, good clean teeth with correct bite, pleasing outline, well boned, in very good condition, moved well.
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Open D/B
1st & BOB Davies' Janey Jim Jams Jam Puff
Good head, nice eye, with correct bite, good length of neck, nice top-line, good turn of stifle good feet, moved well, very well presented.
2nd BP & RBPIS Brooks' Loofahsa Hugger Mugger
Feminine headed puppy girl, with sweet expression, nice eye, correct bite, good outline, well presented and handled, moved well once she settled down.
West Highland White Terrier Open D/B
1st BOB & BPIS Eason's Andjoliam Silent Witness
Stunning looking puppy dog, lovely clean teeth with correct bite, good dark eye with sweet expression, good neck and shoulders, good top-line, nicely ribbed, nice feet with short nails well muscled rear for his age, very well presented and handled, moved well.
2nd Owens' Frisbeck Guitar Man
Masculine headed dog, good expression, nice eye, correct bite, nice outline, handled and moved well.
AV Terrier Puppy D/B
1st Andjoliam Silent Witness (W.H.W.T.)
2nd Loofahsa Hugger Mugger (S.C.W.T)
AV Terrier Junior D/B
1st Andjoliam Silent Witness
AV Terrier Graduate D/B
1st Frisbeck Guitar Man (W.H.W.T.)
AV Terrier Open D/B
1st Tycadno Dancing Star (Cairn)
Veteran D/B
1st Whicheeta Celtic Connection (Skye)
2nd Blackdale Request of Jomoaka (W.F.T.)
Puppy Stakes D/B
1st Loofahsa Hugger Mugger (S.C.W.T.)
Best in Group was the Cesky Terrier, Reserve the Smooth Fox Terrier, 3rd the Cairn Terrier and 4th the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, a sound example of the breed who moved well to take the final position in this quality line up.
Best Puppy in Group was the West Highland White Terrier, Reserve was the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, 3rd was Border Terrier and 4th was the Staffordshire Bull Terrier completing a pleasing line of puppies who can all look forward to exciting futures.