- Show Date: 22/12/2018
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Derfel Owen Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Birmingham & District Toy Dog Society
My thanks to the Society for inviting to judge BIS at their excellent and well organised show. I enjoyed my judging and thought the final line up for BIS was top quality. For BIS I called out the Smoothcoat Chihuahua, Fothergill’s Diamonchi Mister Moon. What a showman, he is maturing very nicely and fills the ring in that typical chihuahua style, he sweeps around the ring like he owns it and commands attention. Dainty, compact, sound and very well constructed. I loved his expression, correct domed skull and lean muzzle, very pleasing eyes and well set and carried ears. He moves with such confidence, brisk and forceful with good reach in front. Level back that he maintained on the move. RBIS Armstrong & Jackson’s Ch Am Ch Hi-lite Gold Charlock, Maltese. Sound, well constructed, in excellent condition and shown to perfection. Lovely head and dark pigment, correct proportions between muzzle and skull and well set ears. Moved well with proud head carriage keeping a steady top line and arched tail. BIS3 Gourley & Leonard’s Witchstone Fancy a Flutter, English Toy Terrier (B&T) Cracking puppy, maturing very nicely. Her head is nicely shaped with correct wedge shape, well set and carried ears, dark eyes, rich tan and correct markings. Moves well in front with good extension, flowing effortlessly around the ring, maintaining her slightly arched topline and carrying her tail well. BIS4 Whitman & Tarabad’s Khatibi Bark Obama JW. Feels as though this dog has just matured and is in top class condition. I thought his movement was excellent, covering the ground effortlessly with style and strong drive from hindquarters and maintained his topline throughout. Appealing expression with dark, round eyes; well set and carried ears.
BPIS was the English Toy Terrier Gourley & Leonard’s Witchstone Fancy a Flutter. RBPIS Morley & Hotchcock’s Greyport Rosebud at Lizlanmor, Pekingese. BPIS3 Rooney’s Yorone Gold for Gold, LC Chihuahua. Showy, eye-catching dog. Nicely domed skull, well placed and carried ears, moved well and maintained topline on the moved, carrying his tail correctly over his back. BPIS4 Knott’s Snowvilla Moonlight Magic, Pomeranian.
Chinese Crested J 1 Tatnell’s Oki Doki Forseti’s of Spiritcrest. Elongated skull with cleanly chiselled cheeks, dark eyes and well placed ears. Level topline that he maintained on the move. 2 Piper’s Be My Dog’s Topsail Cody on Zanjero. Didn’t fully settle on the move. I liked his head, dark eye and well placed ears. 3 McFarlane’s Shranae Liquid Gold. PG 1 Boden’s Lunacrest Among the Shooting Starts. Correct for size and shape, felt he had the best movement overall in this class. 2 Lane’s Konishiki Tiger Lilley. 3 McFarlane’s Zeracheil Exotic Dancer. O 1 Bartlett’s Parcauwen Crazy Secret Gem among Michadaine Feminine, sound balanced and well constructed, moved with flowing, elegant action. Dark eye, low set ears, graceful neck. Thought she had the best head in the class, clean and chiselled.
Japanese Chins my thanks to the exhibitors for a very strong entry in quality and quantity; I felt really spoiled for choice in all the classes. P 1 Wallhead’s Merida Masquerade. Well constructed, sound and balanced. I loved her head, moderately broad, correctly proportioned with a short and well cushioned muzzle. Dark eyes, well set and carried ears. Square and compact. High set tail, carried well over her back. 2 Banks’ Choya Scarlett O’Hara. Very pretty pupoy, correct for size and shape, good length of neck, carrying head proudly. Moved well with style. 3 Tarabad’s Tillashby’s Nick Is In a Twist at Frondil.
J Such a super class, full of quality from top to bottom. 1 Farmer’s Sangria De Ja Vous. Felt he was the best overall for size and shape here; he is super elegant, compact and well constructed. I liked his head, broad and rounded in front with short, wide and well cushioned muzzle; correct expression; high set ears. Moved well. 2 McLeod’s Sangria Make My Day for Dunline. Lovely head and expression, dark eye. Thought he was very well constructed and sound, with a good level topline. Had a well set tail that he carried correctly. 3 Farmer’s Sangria Omegavile Saraboo.
PG 1 Farmer’s Sangria Pamojill Private Eye. Well proportioned overall; sound, compact and well built. Correct expression, dark eyes, well set and carried ears. Stylish movement with good reach in front. 2 Banks’ Choya Tomomi. Liked his head, short and wide muzzle, correct expression. Correct tailset, carried over back. 3 McFarlane’s Glendyke Step Out in Style.
L 1 Farmer’s Sangria Midorchi Motivation. Sound, compact and well balanced. Broad skull; short, wide and well cushioned muzzle. Large and dark eyes giving correct expression. Stylish and straight movement with good reach. 2 McFarlane’s Myojo Morgan at Glendyke. Moved well, with good read. Correct expression.
OD 1 Wallhead’s Sleepyhollow Lester at Merida ShCM. Super elegant, smart, well-built and compact. Correct for size and shape, with good front and rear angulation and level back. High set tail with profuse feathering. Stylish mover with good reach and elevation. Broad skull, short and wide muzzle with good cushioning. BOB. 2 Thomas’ Javalcy Rock on Tommy JW. Another super specimen. Compact and sound, head correctly proportioned, good expression. Good reach and elevation when moving. RBOB. 3 Farmer’s Sangria RIverdancer.
OB 1 Rooney’s Swifthocks Paws for Thought. Feminine, compact and sound. Head in correct proportion to body, broad skull, rounded in front and between the ears. Moved very well. 2 Rowley and Wallhead’s Sleepyhollow Tikle My Fancy at Merida. Liked her head and expression. Good topline, moved well.
Pekingese J 1 Morley & Hitchcock’s Greyport Rosebud at Lizlanmor. Delightful puppy, full of breed type and quality. Well balanced, fairly large head with broad skull. Dark, lustrous eyes; correct earset. Short body with distinct waist and level topline. Moved with typical dignified, rolling gait. 2 Hopkins-Roberts’ Sparkling Sammy of Salabah. Coat in good condition, level topline.
O 1 Hopkins-Roberts’ Biggiwigs Cheek of Chic of Salabah. Large head with broad skull, short neck, level topline, well set and carried tail.
Pomeranians A small but good quality entry. J 1 Knott’s Snowvilla Moonlight Magic. Liked her movement, free-moving and brisk. Short in back, with a balanced outline. Pretty head with bright, dark eyes. Short neck. Straight front, well ribbed back with a level topline and high set tail. 2 Simmons’ Petitpom Legend of Love. Well balanced, short back, liked his foxy head head. Moved well.
PG 1 Soulsby’s Aizens Dream of Being a Star at Trenarwyn, Compact and short, with typical head and expression, dark and sparkling eyes. Moved well. 2 Simmons’ Petitpom Starlight Kiss. Foxy head, dark and sparkling eyes, coat in good condition.
O 1 Smith’s Suacres Bettin on Evie. Slightly out of coat, but I could not deny her overall quality; sound, compact and short. Loved her head, correct foxy outline, dark and bright eyes; well-set, small ears. Moved with soundness, with brisk and buoyant action. 2 Simmons’ Lireva’s Dream Maker for Petitpom. Correct head and expression, dark eye, moved ok.
AV Import Register J 1 Allsop’s Viva Vivendi at Pelugias. Small head, slightly arched neck. Needs to settle on the move.
O 1 Vidler’s Indiana Jones Mon Ami at Apallana. Small and lively, large ears, small head.
AV Veteran 1 Dix’s KCS Ch Paulian Prudence for Beewye JW. Delightful bitch, sound and well constructed, correct for size and shape, with level topline that she maintains on the move. Well domed head with dark eyes, well placed ears with good feathering. Square and wide jaw. 2 S/C Chihuahua Ch Beths Sunshine Lady at Diamonchi. Compact and well proportioned. Well rounded skull with large eyes and ears. 3 Mangham’s Garlouchi Just Magic of Charnavale JW.
Stakes P 1 Knight’s Italian Greyhound Marlord’s Starstruck at Aelara. Eye catching, shapely and balanced. Narrow flat skull, with expressive eyes and well placed ears, good reach of neck into well placed shoulders. Moved with elegant free action, covering the ground with ease and maintaining his topline. 2 Tarabad’s Japanese Chin Tillashby’s Nick Is In a Twist at Frondil. Attractive puppy, compact and correct for size, good length of neck, carrying head proudly. Moved well with style. 3 Love’s ETT Lasagesse Morning Glory.
J McFarlane’s Shranae Liquid Gold. Correct for size and shape, moved well.
PG 1 McFarlane’s Zeracheil Exotic Dancer. 2 Smith’s Little Wolf Cry of Hulawawas. 3 Smith’s Zena Warrior Princess of Hulawawas.
O 1 Whitman & Tarabad’s Khatibi Bark Obama JW. 2 Suggitt’s Griffon Aptrick Alexander. Cobby and elegant with large, proportionate head and prominent chin. Short, level back, high set tail that she carried well on the move. Free and elegant movement. 3 Suggitt’s Alptrick Time for Elevenses.
Ch 1 Rooney’s L/C Chihuahua Ch Donami Limelight. Delightful bitch with gorgeous head and expression and very well constructed. Well rounded skull with large and round eye. Large, flaring ears set on correctly. Brisk action with good reach and drive from hindquarters. 2 Bird’s Ch Tamiskene Rhumba JW. Long flat skull with expressive eyes and well placed ears, long graceful neck leading to well placed shoulders and deep chest with good rib. Typical free and elegant movement. 3 Dix’s KCS Ch Paulian Prudence for Beewye JW.
Derfel Owen