- Show Date: 02/12/2018
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Jenny Todhunter Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Maghull & Merseyside Canine Society
Maghull and Merseyside Canine Society open Show 2nd December 2018
Thank you to the officers for the invitation to judge the toy classes.
Puppy (2)
1st – Taylor’s LORANKAS SO AMAZED. 7 month old Blenheim dog. Most appealing head with large dark eyes and good bite. Well laid shoulders and level top line. Stifles well turned. He moved around the ring with plenty of drive from hindquarters. (BP)
2nd – Taylor’s CHAMBECC SHIMMER. 10 month old tri-colour bitch. Very feminine head. Well defined nostrils, well set ears and well feathered. Moderate length neck leading to a short-coupled body. She kept her top line on the move with sound movement.
Junior (4)
1st Taylor’s LORANKAS DAISYCHAINS. 12 month old Blenheim bitch. Feminine head, well tapered muzzle and good scissor bite. Straight forelegs with moderate bone. Well turned stifles and good drive from behind when moving.
2nd Parson’s CASTLEWYTCH MOONLIGHT. 15 month old Blenheim bitch. Larger dog than first with substance. Gentle, feminine expression. Good spring of rib. Level top line which she held on the move.
Post Graduate (1)
Open (1)
1st Parson’s LEMARITZ MOONBEAM. 2 year old tri-colour bitch with good furnishings and well marked coat. Well balanced, level top line and well set on tail. Pleasing mover fore and aft. BOB
Chinese Crested
Puppy (0)
Junior (0)
Post Graduate (1, absent)
Open (2)
1st Oliver’s YNCHREENOO BOAL FAHRANE AT SARELIDIAN JW. 4 year old blue dog. Striking head with dark almond shaped eyes. Lean, high carried neck, forelegs set well under body with moderate tuck up. Moved soundly. BOB
2nd Ouesby’s BIRCHVOLGYI INDIGO MALVERE (IMP Hungary). 2 year old dog. Cobby type. Not showing to his best advantage today. Good ear set, correct bite, well laid back shoulders and level topline.
Chihuahua Long Coat
Puppy (3, 1)
1st Holland Smith’s OOZORA QUEEN OF MYSTERY. 10 month old cream bitch, small and compact. Well rounded skull, alert expression and good scissor bite. Level top line which she held moving swiftly round the ring. (BP)
2nd Fothergill’s CWTCHI THE TRILL OF IT ALL. This young lady wasn’t too happy with the noise, although when she settled, she moved well and freely. Well let down hocks and good drive. Her coat was a soft texture and well feathered on her ears, legs and hindquarters.
Junior (2,1)
1st Olives’ OOZORA MASTER OF DREAMS. 17 month old red dog with a lovely coat and a long, fully plumed tail. His outline standing was dainty and compact and when on the move was swift with good reach fore and drive in hindquarters. BOB
Post Graduate (4)
2nd Obringer’s OOZORA MAMMA MIA CHIAFFIE JW. Cream bitch with a lovely dark eye, feminine head and correct mouth. She moved happily around the ring with a brisk action in front and good drive behind.
Open (5,3)
1st Entwistle’s CH DORENTY’S VIVA VIENA JW. A small dog with a big personality. She has a good head and pigmentation and a correct mouth. Her coat was soft and feathered on ears, leg and hindquarters. She moved smartly and soundly.
2nd Obringer’s AMATO AZZURRO ROCK ME AADEUS CHIAFFIE (IMP). Unfortunately, he was spooked by the noise. Well rounded skull, definite stop and dark round eyes. He moved soundly but was still unsettled.
Smooth Coat Chihuahua
Puppy (5, 1)
1st Holland Smith’s. BRATIDA RAPHAEL. 10 month old cream bitch. Very striking with a small compact frame, cheeky expression on a lovely head. She moved well both fore and aft and in profile.
2nd Lovric’s. LOVCHI DRIPPING IN FINESSE. 10 month old eye catching puppy. Large flaring ears, correct head and scissor bite. Straight front level top line leading to high tail set, carried up and over back. Swift, sound movement and action.
Junior (5,1)
1st Fothergills’ DIAMONCHI MISTERMAN. This was a strong class with some lovely dogs. Young dog with a lovely alert expression. Round eyes set apart and good bite. Compact with a lovely outline and a smart sound mover. (BP) I was pleased to see him go to Toy Group 3
2nd Rushton’s KEENAUGHTS ONLY TOM. 12 month old dog with a lot to like about him. Stunning head, dark round eye, ear set and correct bite. He has well laid shoulders, well sprung ribs and a good turn of stifle which resulted in a good drive from the hindquarters. Sound mover.
Post Graduate (6,1)
1st Hunts’ MOLTOBELLO QUEEN OF MY HEART. This girl had a lovely head with large, flaring ears. A correct mouth and an alert expression. Medium length of neck leading onto a level top line which was held when moving soundly around the ring.
2nd Fothergills’ DIAMONCHI GOLDEN SYMPHOY JW. A sharp little dog with attitude! Very confident, lovely body shape and tail set. He moved soundly with drive.
Open (7,1)
1st Fothergills’ DIAMONCHI MISTERMOO JW. Cream dog with a super head and expressive round eyes. Good mouth and dentition. Straight front and legs well set under chest. Free sound mover. (BOB) Was so pleased to see him win the Toy Group.
2nd Entwistle’s DORENTY’S ROYAL ALBERT JW. 2 year old cream dog. Lovely domed head. Confident neat little man with a lovely outline and a very sound, smart mover.
Italian Greyhound
Puppy (1)
1st Mellis’ PETOSKI FIRST EDITION FOR LAMOYE. 11 month old dog. Elegant boy with large bright eyes. He had a correct scissor bite and a long arched neck leading onto an arched back over the loin. He moved well with the high stepping action in front and drive from the hindquarters.
Junior (2)
1st Mellis’ MY FUNNY VALENTINE AT LEMOYE (IMP ITA). 18 month old bitch. Very graceful with a lovely top line and slope to low tail set. Feminine head and correct scissor bite. Moved soundly.
Post Graduate (0)
Open (1)
1st Mellis’ LAMOYE BELLA RAGAZZA. 4 year old bitch. Nice size and proportions. Muzzle fine and long, large eyes and well set back ears. Good length of rib, long well muscled thighs, correct high stepping free action and sound movement (BOB)
Japanese Chin
Puppy (2)
1st Thomas’s JAVALCY THE GREAT MIKADO. 7 month old dog and what a charmer! He is a real showman for one so young. Well cushioned muzzle, large dark eyes, small ears, high set and good mouth. He is so square and compact. Colour very even on head and ears. Level top line to high set and profusely feathered tail. Moved so well. This dog must surely have a good future. (BP)
2nd Meadows’ SHAMEAD RUDDY SPITFIRE. Red and white yearling dog. Another nice puppy with pleasing head and correct bite. Forelegs straight and fine boned and well feathered. Hind also well feathered at the back of the thighs. He had straight movement both from front and behind. He could do with carrying a bit more weight to complete the picture.
Junior (1)
Post Graduate (1, 1 absent)
Open (3,1)
1st Thomas’s DZHUNKO GIN DE IMPERIUM AURI AT JAVALCY. 2 year old dog. Smart, compact and square dog. Lovely dark eyes showing small amount of white. Small ears set wide apart. Well feathered. Straight front, wide at chest and good turn of stifle gave sound movement. (BOB)
2nd Hood’s SLEEPYHOLLOW EDUARDO WITH SHARLINDEN. 4 year old dog. Nicely marked and good, long soft, straight coat with profuse feathering. Hare footed and well feathered feet. Preferred movement in one.
Puppy (1)
1st Hobson’s AMICAEKENZO AT ROSENJON. 11 month old dog. Finely pointed muzzle and well defined stop. Very large, well fringed ears, perfect scissor bite and dark lips. Sloping shoulders onto level top line and high set tail arched over back. This young dog had a light, sound movement fore and behind.
Junior (1)
Post Graduate (3,1)
1st Morris and Langton’s ROZAMIE FLEUR ROUGE FOR JENNOBAR. 4 year old bitch with a very feminine head. Clearly defined blaze and dark round eyes. Free flowing movement and in profile, covered the ground well.
2nd Hobson’s PAPPRETTY FOR EVER AND EVER AT ROSENJON. 2 year old dog. Masculine without losing the intelligent expression. Large, mobile ears and correct bite. Deep chest and level top line. Good turn of stifle, producing drive from the rear.
Open (2,1)
1st Hobson’s GRISDALES GIGALO AT ROSENJON. This dog caught my eye. He has excellent markings and shaped ears which he used like butterfly wings. His head markings were symmetrical. He was well balanced on the move and covered the ground well. (BOB)
Puppy (2,1)
1st Holmes’ YORLANDERS SAFFRON AT DENCAS. 6 month old bitch who showed like a seasoned campaigner. Short, cobby body with level top line. Dark eye, correct bite and wide jaw. Forelegs set well under body, broad chest and well sprung ribs. Hind legs strong with good turn of stifle. Movement was very free and true. (BP). Pleased to see she got Group 4.
Junior (4.3)
1st McGarry’s ZOBEAR LE GRAND TEDDY. 12 month old male, very masculine, short, square muzzle. Wrinkles clearly defined on forehead. Correct mouth, slightly undershot. Short cobby body and strong sturdy legs. High set tail, moved well, straight in front and typical rolling gait behind.
Post Graduate (4,1)
1st Stuart and Ward’s PARADIZ RONADO HASTA LA VISTA BABY. 22 month old bitch with a lovely head. Large, dark eyes and black large nose with open nostrils. Strong, thick neck leading to well sloping shoulders and broad chest on to a cobby and well muscled body. Good movement with front legs well under the shoulder and hind using the stifles well.
2nd McAleny’s CLODANA MISCHIEF MANAGED OF MACMOORE (IKC) JW. Not a lot separated 1st and 2nd in this class. 18 month old bitch. Oozes charm. Round large head in proportion to body. Large dark eye and wide open nostrils. Wide lower jaw with undershot bite. Clearly defined markings on head. Strong legs in front and hind with good turn of stifle. High set, tightly curled tail. Movement was sound with typical hindquarter roll.
Open 6,2)
1st McAleny’s MACMOORE MR TAMBOURINE MAN JW. 2 year old dog. Square and cobby. Lovely head with clearly defined wrinkles and large wide nostrils. Slightly undershot mouth with good width of lower jaw. Fine, soft, glossy coat over as well muscled body. Movement was sound and purposeful. (BOB)
2nd Holmes’ CLODANA MAVERICK AT DENCAS (IKC) CJW18, CW18 JUNCH. 18 month old dog. Masculine and handsome. Short, blunt muzzle, wide nostrils, eyes dark and relatively large with a soft expression. Short cobby body with well sprung ribs. Strong legs capable of purposeful free movement which this dog demonstrated well.
Jenny Todhunter (Penning ton)