- Show Date: 02/12/2018
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Julie Nicholls Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Burton On Trent Kennel Association
I would like to thank the officers and committee for inviting me to judge at Burton On Trent Kennel Association 2nd December. Even though I was poorly I was satisfied with all my entries and the kind people accepting my decisions well.
Japanese Shiba Inu
Thank you for your entries. You all took my decisions politely. Some lovely exhibits to go over.
Hope you liked my bp and bob gifts.
Junior. 1st Ogden’s Channel Discovery Incipita Vita (imp CZE)White 6 months male. Good bone and substance. Correct dentition. Neat hooded ears. Padded cheeks. Well placed shoulders. Nice dark almond eye. Moderate angulation. Tight cat feet. Hope this boy comes up on the leg a bit more. He’s only young time is on his side: Cheeky little chap didn’t want to move for his owner. Bp Puppy Group 3
2nd Needs & Woolmer. Nizu Saijitsu 8 months red female. Dark almond eye. Well placed ears. Good dentition. Not so dense in coat. Stood nice in profile. Good neck and shoulders. Moderate angulation. Flatter feet than 1. Erratic movement.
Post Graduate
1st Bryans Marilouvales Queen Of Hearts. Two and a half year old striking Black and Tan Bitch on the large size but nonetheless all in proportion. Stood well in profile. Good head proportions, hooded ears, lovely dark almond eye and expression. Good neck into shoulders good chest. Moderate angles throughout. Lovely plush coat in beautiful condition. Moved ok. RBOB
1st Watson’s Calicelesti Reaperman Stunning White male. Commanded attention not in best jacket but enough to give a good impression and show off his many good virtues.
Masculine head. Correct dentition Almond eye, neat well placed ears. Padded cheeks. Good crest of neck into well placed shoulders. Correct angles good feet. Lovely front. Moved out well. Handled to perfection. BOB
2nd Marilouvales Danny Zuko big girl. Beautiful head. Good bite. Dark expressive eye. Good pigment. Well placed ears padded cheeks correct dentition. Pleasing outline. Correct angles. Moved well.
Thank you all for your entries. You were all good sports. All good natured dogs.
Thanks to Caroline Goodall for sponsoring the magnificent rosettes made by Christine Forshaw to hand out the the lucky competitors.
Hope the best of breed and best puppy in breed liked my little gifts.
Junior 3 entries 2 absent
1st Taylor’s Ryusi’s Aurora Borealis 7months black and white male. Very promising. Dark eye. Hooded ears. Correct head proportions. Padded cheeks. Good crest of neck into well laid moderate shoulders. Moderate angles. Well set tail. Moved well. Best puppy
Post Graduate. 3 absent
Open 5 entries 2 absent
1st Bunn’s Harivo Lola’s Showgirl 3 year old Black and white bitch. Much bone and substance. Good head proportions. Neat well placed thick hooded ears. Padded cheeks. Good dentition Nice neck into well placed shoulders level top line held on the move. Correct height to length ratio. Lovely thick jacket. Nice tight feet. Moved well when ran at a faster pace. Well handled. BOB
2nd Chambers Stecals Atomic Storm of Kandamar 9/12 year old red/fawn and white bitch. In prime condition for her age. Good head proportions. Well placed ears. Correct dentition. Good front and neck. Deep brisket. Correct height to length ratio, well set tail. Good mover for her age. Well handled. RBOB
Siberian Husky
Thank you all for taking the trouble to go under a new judge for this breed. As you all probably know I have 2 huskies and have not been in the breed long. You all took my decisions well. Hope you liked your bob and bp rosette key rings.
Junior. 3 entries
1st Tinkers Zaltana Kiss My Paws At Lolotea imp Poland 10 months upstanding male. Broad head beautiful expression. Shown in good coat. Nice dark eye. Well placed ears, good dentition. Good length of back. Correct width of loin. Excellent coat. Good from all angles moved with effortless drive, handled well Best Puppy. RBOB
Very pleased to see him go Puppy Group 4! Well done.
2nd Morris Arcticskies Ruby Tuesday for Cwnhapus.
Feminine 10 months pretty red bitch. Lighter in build. Alert expression, lovely foxy head. Correct dentition. Well placed alert ears. Good angles all round. Correct shoe feet, moved well with reach and drive. Superbly handled
Post Graduate 2 entries
1st Mencel’s Fidis Sachems Dream Imp Poland 18 months grey male alert expression, foxy head. Nice small neat ears. Almond eye. Good pigment correct dentition. Good angles. Correct length of back. Nice padded feet. Moved out well.
2nd Tinkers Zoltana Midnight Express At Lolotea. Imp Poland ShCM 2 year old male. Very alert. Nice headpiece. Correct dentition. Broader head than one. Correct ear set. Good neck into well placed shoulders, good length of loin. Lovely and Light on his feet.
Open 4 entries 1 absent
1st Morris Hold Back The River Legend Of The Spirit With Cwnhapus. 2 year old upstanding red male. Demands attention the minute he enters the ring. Excellent coat and type. Correct head proportions. Not too coarse. Foxy and alert expression with lovely almond well placed eyes. Well set ears. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Level top line held on the move sloping into good croup with neat tail set. Correct narrow loin. Well sprung ribs. Correct length to height. Moved around the ring with effortless drive. Expertly handled to BOB
2nd Tinkers Zaltana DireWolf At Lolotea imp Poland Heavier 2yr male. Nice harsh coat standing off the body. Correct height to length ratio. Narrow loin, good well sprung ribs. Lovely tuck up. Lovely head and expression. Nice Dark eye good pigment. Correct dentition. Good angulation reach and drive. Well handled.
Canadian Eskimo Dogs
A breed I’ve admired from afar. Lovely to get my hands on such impressive specimens. Thank you all for your supportive entries. I thoroughly enjoyed going over your beautiful dogs.
Junior 3 entries
1st Byrne’s Harpen Charlotte Bay. 6 months pretty bitch. Flat wedged skull, neat ears. Small expressive eyes. Correct dentition. Powerful neck and front without being heavy. Good shoulders. Sprung ribs. strong feminine body. Good coat. Correct angulation. Thick padded feet. Moved with purpose best puppy.
Croft & Bickerdike Anna Nymph At Koroyza. Just over a year. Large boy. Lots to like. Going through the gangly stage. Lovely wedged head. Neat ears. Nice bone and substance. Shedding coat. Strong front. Thick neck into well placed shoulders. Powerful body. Thick pads. Well let down hocks. Little erratic on the move.
Open 5 entries 2abs
1st Needham’s Can Ch Arcticice Qimmiq Jasper with Inugati (imp can) 4 year old smart black and white upstanding male. Commands the ring. Lovely wedge head, flat skull. Nice eye. Good dentition. Neat well placed ears used to his advantage. Muscular neck and front. Good width of chest. Correct thick long mane. Giving that rugged powerful look. Plenty of spring of rib. Powerful body on strong legs. Good angles all round. Thick padded feet. Moved with drive and purpose. Would love to see him out there doing his job. Bob and group 2 I believe.
2nd Croft & Bickerdale’s Akna Ross At Koyroza. Large red powerful male. Could change places with the first boy any day. Just preferred movement of 1. Wedge head. Correct flat skull. Good small eye. Correct pigment. Large powerful shoulders and lovely rough around neck. Good deep chest. Well sprung ribs. Correct length to height. Nice tuck up. Good coat correct length. Well padded feet. Moved ok. RBOB
Thank you all for your entrant good sportsmanship and accepting my decisions gracefully. Didn’t get a chance to talk to you all. Some lovely exhibits. I’m pleased overall with my winners.
Junior 2 entries
Batty & Smiths Almoor Macey Gray. Large girl 10 months. Super outline. Lovely head and eye. Moderate stop. Good length of ear. Correct dentition. Strong neck into well placed shoulders. Sprung rib cage good length of loin. Slight tuck up. Good turn of stifle, Well let down hocks. Level top line held on the move. Good coat and beautiful roe grey.
Good coming and going. Expertly handled Best puppy.
Finch’s Silberliss Summer of Love. 16 months large bitch. Pleasing outline. Going through the gangly stage. Lovely head and expressive eye. Correct length of ear, moderate stop. Good pigment. Correct dentition.
Good chest and deep brisket. Correct lay of shoulder. Good spring of ribs. Correct length of loin. Lovely mouse grey. Moved with drive.
Post Graduate. 6 entries 2 absent
1st Danes Weipowa Little Bit Of Good. Male 2 years. Caught my eye the moment he entered the ring. Upstanding dog. Good head, well placed correct length of ear. Good stop. Kind intelligent eye. Good neck into well laid shoulder. Level top line well set tail. Good spring of rib, nice deep chest and good tuck up. Good turn of stifle, well let down hocks. Nice tight feet. Moved out with power and drive. Gave his handler a hard time. Bob
2nd Batty & Smith’s Almoor Macey Gray.
Open 4 entries
1st Brown & Filbys Desjiem American Pie JW ShCM
Powerful muscular boy. Medium size. Mouse grey. Good coat and lean condition. Deep chest brisket level with neat elbows allowing for plenty of heart room. Good neck into shoulder. Good Neat tuck up. Well sprung ribs, correct length of loin. Good tail set. Well turned stifles and well let down hocks neither turning in nor out. Moved out well. Handled to perfection. Owners tell me he’s the father of the Best of breed winner. RBOB
2nd IntSh Ch/NL/Lux Ch Silvestre Last Tango With Silberbliss 4 year old good sized bitch. Lovely head and eye. Well placed good length of ear. Good neck and shoulders spring of rib. Good front. Nice tuck up. Level top line. Powerful movement.