- Show Date: 09/12/2018
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Meriel Taylor Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Oakengates & District Canine Society
Oakengates & District Canine Society Open Show 9th December 2018
Many thanks to the Officers & Committee for inviting me to judge at this show
Kind Charles Post Graduate 2(1)abs
1st Cox Petitpaws Black Prince.
2 year old male, Correct head, nose black with large open nostrils.Stop well defined. Correct scissor bite. Eyes relatively dark and ears set on low hanign close to cheeks. Neck of medium length leading into well laid shoulders. Good body with good depth to chest. Hocks well let down and moved well.
Open 1
1st Dawson & Jones.Chacombe Arizona for Pomelo.
4 year old male , Correct head with well defined stop and black nose, Eyes relatively dark and ear set on correct hanging close to cheeks. Adequate neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good body with good width to chest. Hocks well let down and moved well. B.O.B
Chihuahua L/C
Junior 4 (3) abs
1st Olive. Oozora Master of Dreams. 18 month old red male.Lovely head and expression with correct scissor bite. Ears set on side and flaring. Good reach of neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good Body and moved well
Post Grad 8 (4) abs
1st Olive. Oozora Master of Dreams. 22 months old male. Correct head with ears set on side and flaring. Eyes large and round and not protruding. Correct scissor bite. Neck of adequate length and well laid shoulders. Good body with well sprung ribs and level back. Feet were small and dainty Moved well. B.O.B
2nd Wills. Dorenty Dazzlin Duncan.20 month old male. Good head and ear set. Eyes of correct size and not protruding. Good body and small dainty feet. Just preferred the movement on the first
Open 7(4) abs.
1st Willis. Dorentys Ello Vera. 3year old fawn bitch. She has the most appealing head with large flaring ears. Eyes are not protruding and a definite stop. Good neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good body and moved well
2nd Olive. Oozora Bonanza Boy JW schm. 2 year old red male. Much the same applies as my winner,he just lost out on movement today.
Chihuahua S/C
Junior 3 (1) abs.
1st Halls. Jorazan Rocky Balboa. What an apt name for this young man at his first show.Nothing fazed him and he let us know he was there. Lovely head with apple dome and ears set on side large and flaring. Eyes round and not protruding. Definite stop and correct scissor bite. Good neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good body with level topline. Small dainty feet and moved well.Puppy Group 4
2nd Jorazan Uncle Paulie. Litter brother to my winner, much of the same applies,but not as confident today.
Post Graduate 3
1st Cooke. Copymear Kilroy. 17 month old Cream and white male. He has a correct head with ears set on side ,large and flaring. Eyes of correct size and not protruding. Correct scissor bite and definite stop. Adequate neck leading into well laid shoudlers. Good body with level topline. Moved well. B.O.B
2nd Wills Corbrayash Poppet Luvs Dorenty. Red bitch and she has a pretty head and correct ear set. Correct mouth and good body. Just wasn’t as happy today on the move.
Open 2
1st Cooke. Copymear Kilroy.
2nd Jorazan Apollo Creed.Litter brother to my winners in Junior and the same applies
Chinese Crested.
Post Graduate. 4 (1) abs
1st Routledge Tasnim De Bothis Para. 11 month old tri clolured hairless bitch. Head slightly rounded with an elongated skull. Her cheeks are cleanly chiselled, flat and tapering into muzzle.
Her stop is slightly pronounced and her head is smooth,without excessive wrinkles. Eyes are so dark and of medium size. Ears set on low and level with the eyes. Correct scissor bite. Lean neck leading into well laid shoulders. Chest is rather broad and deep.Well rounded rump . Hare feet and tail set on high. Moved like she owned the ring
2nd McFarlane. Sharanae Liquid Gold TAF. 9 month old Mahogany and white powder puff.
She is developing well and much of the same applies as my winner. She moved well
Open. 4(1)Abs
1st Routledge Pufflepaws Mz Rumple Teazer. 16 months old black and white hairless bitch.
This bitch is lovely for shape and size. Her head is of the correct size and her stop is slightly pronounced. Ear set on is correct and she has a correct scissor bite. Neck is lean and free from throatiness. Good lay back of shoulders and good firm body and broad chest. Well rounded muscular rump and taut loins. Hare feet and tail set on correct. Moved so well.B.O.B and group 3
2nd McFarlane. Zerachiel Exotic Dancer. 5 year old Mahogany and white bitch. Another lovely bitch.
She has a lovely head; her ear set on is level with the eye and her eyes are dark and round. Her stop is slightly pronounced and she has a correct scissor bite. Her neck is land and free from throatiness . Good lay of shoulder and firm body. Hare feet and tail set on correct. Moved well
Italian Greyhounds.
Post Graduate.2
1st Bradley. Newill Gold Lightening at Thunder.20 months old bitch. Very elegant bitch . Skull rather long,flat and narrow, with a slight stop. Ears are rose shaped and placed well back. Eyes were rather large and bright. Good scissor bite. Her neck is long and arched, leading into well laid shoulders. Her chest is deep and narrow. Back slightly arched over loin. Long well muscled thighs, parallel when viewed from rear.Hare feet and moved well.
2nd Taylor Freith Corylus. He is very pleasing to go over and he has a correct scissor bite. Good rise over loin and hare feet,however is rear movement let him down.
Open 2
1st Powell. Turigner Tempest. 7 year old male. His skull is rather long,flat and narrow. With a slight stop. Correct scissor bite. Rose shaped ears,well set back. Eyes were large and bright. Good depth to chest and well laid shoulders. Back slightly arched with a rise over the loin. Well muscled long thighs and parallel when viewed from rear. Hare feet and moved soundly. B.O.B
2nd Powell . Sumobi Little Snowflake at Turigner. 2 year old D and much of the same applies. However I preferred the overall balance and movement of my winner.
Japanese Chins
Junior 4 (2) Abs
1st Smith & Danks. Jesandakai Heyyolookatme. 8 month old dog puppy. His head is developing nicely and he has that startled expression. Eyes are moderately large,dark and set far apart.Ears are small and set wide apart high on head. Mouth slightly undershot. Neck of moderate length ,square and compact body. Straight when viewed from rear ,with hare foot. Tail set on level with the back and moved well
2nd McFarlane. Glendyke Wot a Guy. A lot of the same applies to this 18 month old male, I just preferred the overall balance on my winner.
Post Graduate. 1
1ST Smith & Danks. Glendyke Magical Dream. 18 month old male. He has a good head with that startled expression. Eyes are moderately large and dark and set far apart. Ears are small and set on high. Slightly undershot mouth. Good neck and square compact body.Hare feet and tail set on correct. He just needs to settle.
Open 1.
McFarlane. Myojo Morgan at Glendyke.3 year old male and he shouts look at me. Presented in good condition. Lovely head with correct expression. Eyes dark and round and set well apart. Ear set on correct and slightly undershot. Body square and compact and tail carried over back, Hare feet. B.O.B
Min Pins
PG 1
1st. Twigg Bamtybo Dark Lord at Teffys. 19 month old male. His head is more elongated and narrow. Skull flat when viewed from front and a strong muzzle. Correct markings on his cheeks. His eyes fit well into his face and of the correct size. Ears are small and set on high. Correct scissor bite. Neck is strong leading into well laid shoulders. Square body, well sprung ribs, broad chest, legs straight and medium bone . Well developed hindquarters. Cat like feet with dark nails. Moved with the correct hackneyed action.
Open 2.
1st Griffiths Keljantzi Xciting Prospect for Amious JW. 22 month old bitch. Her head is correct. skull slightly flat ,eyes of medium size and well placed. Ears are relatively small and carried erect. Correct scissor bite. Neck rather short and set well into shoulders. Good body short and compact. Good hindquarters and small compact feet. Moved so well. B.O.B
2nd Salsbury. Bambyto Hocus Pocus.18 month old bitch. One I also liked and much of the same applies, although in a smaller frame. Unlucky to meet the winner today
Junior 2
1st Miller & Ryan. Feorlig Smart Cookie. 8 motnh old red sable bitch. Her skull is slightly rounded between the ears and muzzle is slightly pointed with a well defined stop. Nose is black and eyes of medium size,round with dark rims.
Ears very large with rounded tips and heavily fringed and set towards the back of the skull. Corrrect scissor bite. Neck of medium length leading into well laid shoulders. Body is fairly long with a level topline,with a good spring of rib, Good hind quarters with hare feet and tail set on high arched over back. Moved with such confidence and attitude. B.P.I.B and Toy Puppy Group 1
2nd Davidson-Poston Spinillons Double Trouble.11 month old phalene black and white bitch. She has the correct head and ear set for a phalene. Lovely dark eyes with dark rims. Correct scissor bite. Neck of medium length leading into well laid shoulders. Good body,hare feet and tail set on correct. Moved well.
Post Grad.
1st Morley & Hitcock. Jorgealin Alin Indian Magic at Lizlannmor JW.
Tri coloured bitch that has a lovely head with very large mobile ears with rounded tips and heavily fringed. Her eyes are of medium, size. Dark, with dark rims. Neck of moderate length,well laid shoulders. Body fairly long with a level topline. Good hindquarters and hare feet. Moved well
Open. 5 (1) Abs
1st Miller. Feorlig Wake up Maggie JW. 2 year old red sable bitch. So feminine and oozes breed type. Head of correct prorportions and ears large and mobile with rounded tips and heavily fringed. Eyes dark of medium size and dark rims. Well defined stop and correct scissor bite. Good neck leading into well laid shoulders. Fairly long body with level topline. Good hindquarters with hare feet and tail carried well. Sound mover. B.O.B .Toy Group 1
2nd Vani- Davidson-Poston . Int/slo Ch Whip Honey Double Smash Shcm JR CLUB WINNER 16 JR WINTER. 3 year old Black and white male. In excellent condition. His head is correct having a definite stop and ears large and mobile with rounded tips. Eyes dark of medium size with dark rims. Correct scissor bite. Good neck leading into well laid shoulders. Body fairly long and level topline which he held on the move. Good hind quarters,with hare feet. Tail set on correct. Moved well
Junior 1
1st Simmons. Petitpom Legend of love. 6 months old orange sable male. His head is foxy in outline, skull slightly flat. Eyes of medium size, slightly oval. Ears relatively small but carried erect. Correct scissor bite. Neck rather short,good lay back of shoulder. Short backed body with medium hind angulation. Small compact feet and tail set high,carried over back. B.P.I.B
PG . Christopher. Foxhue Luscious. 5 year old Orange Sable bitch. Lovely foxy head and ear set on correct with small erect carriage. Eyes of medium size and slightly oval. Correct scissor bite. Neck short leading into well laid shoulders. Compact body with correct hind angulation. Small compact feet and tail set on correct. Moved well.
2nd Simmons. Petipom Starlight Kiss. 9 month old Orange Sable who on the day,decided not to co-operate with his owner. He has a pleasing head and ear set on correct. Eyes of medium size.Correct scissor bite. Short compact body and small feet. Unable to assess movement.
Open 2
1st Christopher. Foxhue Licenced to Thrill. 5 year old wolf sable. Lovely for shape and size. Super foxy head and small erect ears. Eyes of medium size and slightly oval. Correct scissor bite. Small compact body and small tight feet. Tail set on correct. Moved well.B.O.B
2nd Simmons Lireva’s Dream Maker for Petitpom.13 month old Orange Sable bitch. Lovely head and expression. Ears small and erect,good scissor bite. Compact body and small feet. Reluctant on the move
Pugs Puppy 4(2) abs
1st Rutherford . Yorlanders Topaz at Potbelli. 6 months old fawn male. His head is relatively large, round and no indentation on the skull. Not over wrinkled in any way. Eyes are dark, relatively large and round in shape. His ears are small folding forwards towards the skull.
Slightly undershot mouth. Neck short, strong and slightly arched. Well sloped shoulders, body short and cobby, with strong hindquarters. Good feet with black nails and tail set correct. Moved with that pug roll.B.P.I.B
2nd Negri. Galliospack Tranche Sur Mer.Fawn male and not the head of my winner. He is rather on the large size and he moved close behind.
Hall. Sephina. The Pickpocket.Fawn bitch. Lovely head and not over wrinkled. Her ear set on was correct,folding towards the skull. Eyes dark and relatively large. Slightly undershot mouth Good body and moved well
PG. 4 1(Abs)
1st Povall. Witherford Cherry Picker 4 year old Black male.His head is of the correct size and not over wrinkled. Ear set on was correct, folding towards the skull. Eyes dark and relatively large, Mouth slightly undershot. Good cobby body and tail set on correct, Moved well with desired roll.
2nd Taylor. Taysace Amethyst Gem. This 20 month old fawn bitch caught my eye when she came in the ring . She has a beautiful feminine head with enough wrinkles. Eyes large and dark and ear set on correct. Good cobby body and tight feet. However her rear movement let her down as she was moving close behind
Open 5
1st Hitchcock, Bobitch Daisy Duke Shcm 23 months old fawn bitch. Her head is very feminine and of correct shape. Not over wrinkled.Nose black with wide open nostrils. Eyes large dark and round. Slightly undershot mouth. Neck is slightly arched ,leading into well laid shoulders. Good cobby body , broad in chest and good spring of rib. Good hindquarters and moved with attitude. B.O.B and Toy Group 2
2nd Rutherford. Yprlander IT’S Zeva at Potbelli. JW. Nearly 3 year old fawn bitch and a lot of the same applies as my winner. I just preferred the movement on my winner today.
AVNSC. Junior. 5
1st Morley & Hitchcock. Greyport Rosebud at Lizlanmor.Fawn peke of 8 months of age. Her head is fairly large and skull moderately broad. Wide and flat between the ears Good width between the eyes which were round and dark. Ears were et level with the skull and set close to head with long profuse leathering. Good mouth and firm under jaw. Neck, short and thick, Good bowed front legs and elbows close to body.Shoulders laid back and her body is relatively short. Broad chest and well sprung ribs,with a distinct waist. Hindquarters well muscled and she moved so freely. B.A.V.N.S.C Puppy and Toy Puppy group 1.
2nd Blakeway. Bellablake one and only.14 month old fawn peke. These two pekes were very similar in shape and size. I just preferred the movement on my winner,but they could easily change places.
PostGrad 2.
1st Thorne. Dffrynsands Tilly Tinker, A beautiful 8 month old tri colour bitch. She was a little unsure on the table, but gave her time to settle; which she did.Her head is of the correct proportions , nose to stop and stop to occiput of equal length. Not snipey in any way and nose and lips solid black, Her eyes are dark and round with a gentle expression.. Ears moderately pointed and dropped, set just above the level with the eyes.Correct scissor bite. Medium length of neck,leading into well laid shoulders. Good body of desired length with slight rise over loin, moderate hind angulation. Small tight feet and tail set on high carried over her back, Free movement and coat was soft and silky,with an undercoat. Havenese
2nd Cox. Pelugias the secrets out at Petitpaws.10 month old ETT bitch. She has a pleasing head which is long and narrow with a flat skull. Slight stop,, eyes are dark relatively small and almond shaped. Ear set on correct and correct scissor bite. Neck long and slightly arhced leading into shoulders. Compact body , well muscled hind quarters and moved well
Open 6 (2) Abs.
1st Thorne. Jamboree Lee Coeur De Masai Avec Blevwil.18 month old Silver Sable Male. Head of correct proportions. Eyes dark and ear set on correct. Correct scissor bite. Medium neck leading into well laid shoulders.
Body of desired length with a slight rise over loin, Small neat feet with black nails, Moved well B.A.V.N.S.C Toy
2nd Blakeway Goldpeke Tapestry of Life at Bellablake. 4 year old peke, Lovely type and well presented. She has a good head,broad and flat between the ears. Good width between the eyes and ear set on close to the skull.Good body and moved well
M L Taylor (Judge)