• Show Date: 02/12/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Ric Beall Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Woolwich Bexley & District Canine Association

 Woolwich, Bexley & District Canine Association 2 December 2018

Dobermann. P (4 3) 1. Ingram’s Jojavik Devil’s Ivy. Most attractive black and rust puppy of 9 months. Lovely clean outline with no hard angles and already filling her quarters well. Feminine headpiece of good shape and adequate strength throughout which sits atop a clean length of neck. Forechest is well developed for width and depth without exaggeration. Good bone and feet completed a pleasing forehand although I would prefer a touch more angulation at point of shoulder. Textbook topline, underline, croup and turn of stifle, she was put down in lovely condition. Excelled on the move with reachy, athletic stride supported from the rear holding outline throughout. Reserve Best of Breed and Best Puppy in Breed. The best mover of the day she glided around the ring to take Working Puppy Group 1. PG (1) 1. Tousent & Ingram’s Jojavik Camorra. 15 month old black and rust bitch who impressed me with her well balanced, square outline, each part flowing into the next. She was not dissimilar in make and shape to Devil’s Ivy but I preferred this girl’s return of upper arm. Head was in proportion to body with clean lips, depth to muzzle and strong underjaw. Excellent condition and musculature, correct brisket and slightly sloping topline. Good strength and width of body throughout whilst maintaining elegance and femininity. Lovely width of thigh and hind angulation. Steady, even mover. I was very pleased to award her Best of Breed, Working Group 1 and delighted to see her take Best in Show from a quality line up. O (2 1) 1. Wright’s Amazon American Graffiti with Sealandair. Strong and masculine black and rust boy of 2 years. Well muscled and conditioned he presented a mature outline. His quarters are well developed with excellent angulation fore and aft. Head was in proportion to body with strong neck although the latter could be cleaner. Strong topline with slight slope. Pleasing breadth from front through to strong loin. Purposeful and powerful mover, particularly good when coming toward me, however overall I preferred the elegance and cleaner lines of the bitches present today.

Rottweiler. P (1) 1. Allen’s Jodipas Black Ink. Charming, chunky lad of 6 months with excellent disposition and showmanship. I was most impressed by his easy workmanlike movement for one so young; so true from all angles and quite effortless. Proportionate head with typical expression, carried well on slightly arched, clean neck. Lovely lay of shoulder and corresponding turn of stifle. He is slightly long cast for perfect balance which can affect topline but this may strengthen further with time. His outline is masculine but clean and flowing. Best of Breed & Best Puppy and with such outstanding movement I could not deny him Working Group 4 and Working Puppy Group 2.

Irish Wolfhound. P (2 1) 1. Holder & Howe’s Sade Araya Mascotts. Classy dark brindle puppy bitch of 9 months. Strong bone, but elegant and feminine outline. Naturally, for a giant breed she has some significant maturing to do to fill her lovely large frame, but she has all the essentials with good height to length ratio, pleasing angulation, strong back and arched loins topped off with attractive head and length of neck. Easy reach and stride on the move. I look forward to seeing her fully mature and with more weight. Best Puppy & Reserve Best of Breed. PG (2 1) 1. Campbell-Woodford’s Kilmacduagh Aednat. Attractively marked brindle girl of 21 months. Not quite the size, substance or stature of others present today but she is not without virtue having a clean outline and good headpiece with lovely expression. Good lay of shoulder, strong in back and pleasing underline with belly well drawn up. Free agile mover holding her shape whilst gaiting. O (4 2) 1. Surrell, Coleman & Simmons’ Lonnkyle Penance at Bokra (Imp Can). 2 and a half year old grey brindle bitch who was the most balanced of this breed today. Lovely size and substance with good width and depth throughout. Strong quarters, bone and good musculature but with femininity ensuring an elegant outline. Well shaped head which was in proportion to body although I might like a little more neck for perfect balance. Lovely chest for width and depth, arched loins, strong croup and good turn of stifle. Very easy mover with even stride, good carriage and held her outline. Best of Breed and I was thrilled to learn she took Hound Group 1. 2. Campbell-Woodford’s Rivenhounds Bonfire at Kilmacduagh. Big, strong 6 year old grey brindle lady who was heavier all through than the winner. Attractive head, which was in proportion to body with lovely expression and had good strength of jaw. Good angles fore and aft and ample depth of body she was well covered. Pleasing bone and size although I preferred the elegance, symmetry, cleaner lines of the winner and stronger hind movement. That said she had adequate length of stride and was very sound.

 AVNSV Working. P (4). 4 quality puppies all at different stages of development made this class a real pleasure to judge. I’m sure places shall change in the future. 1. Love’s Showbull Country Bumkin. 10 month old grey and tan puppy boy Tibetan Mastiff of size and substance who was quite upstanding. Presented a strong and robust outline which was more mature than others in this class. Strong head and muzzle with good eye. Pleasing length of neck into good front, but this requires more width with maturity. Strong back and lovely arch to loins although I would prefer a touch more length to body. Strong hindquarters which were well proportioned. Held his outline well on the move with good stride. Nice strong drive from hock although a little close coming towards me. Still has plenty of time to fulfil his potential. Nice youngster. Best Puppy and Reserve Best AVNSC. 2. Gee’s Saturnsrings Galaxy at Jaminic. Attactive 8 month old Bullmastiff fawn puppy bitch whose honesty held appeal for me. Already well proportioned in quarters she presented a reasonably well balanced outline. Very much aware of her surroundings she had an ability to show herself to advantage. Well covered and nice width and depth throughout. Her head is fairly strong ,but not overdone given her age. Strong muzzle and used her ear to enhance expression. Could be cleaner through wither but shoulder was reasonably well laid with topline firm and true. Lovely free moving puppy with strong rear and good carriage. 3. Garrood’s Ukusa Dobrynya. Handsome Russian Black Terrier boy of 6 month. Lovely outline and good size with plenty of promise. Particularly good in head. Very immature at present and not the strength of quarters of 1 and 2 but plenty to like. PG (1) 1. Stelmach & Davis’ Chippis She’s a Diamond. Mature Bernese Mountain Dog bitch of 6 years. Very well developed in body as one would expect with well laid shoulders corresponding to good turn of stifle. Adequately muscled and covered throughout. Attractive head which was in proportion to body. Correct length of neck and pleasing topline. A little weak in pastern today and I would like a little more length of leg for perfect balance. Strode our around the ring with purpose and drive, being fairly light on her feet. O (8 3) This was another dry good class. 1,2 and 3 were of particular merit. 1. Goodyear’s Harvestbank Indian Summer. 2 year old Bernese Mountain Dog bitch who pleased me greatly for her honesty and overall balance. Quietly confident in her ability she shows out well demonstrating a workmanlike function as one would expect from this breed. Lovely head and expression which is proportion to her good body of correct ratios. Effortlessly stands foursquare and presented in lovely condition. Lovely width and depth to body from chest through loin and croup. Correct angles at shoulder and stifle lent themselves to free, easy movement going round. Occasionally appeared a little high over the rear which cost her in a strong group. Best AVNSC and Working Group 2. 2. Dickenson’s Kalaslane’s Demyan (IKC). 5 year old Russian Black Terrier male who appealed for his overall make and shape. Strong, well made and holding his outline both standing and on the move. Good size and substance with masculine head carried well. Good neck into pleasing front, through strong quarters and coupling. Quite showy, he looks “right at you”. Strong, sound mover with adequate stride but not quite as together coming or going as compared to the winner. 3. Slade’s Vint Lord Nelson of Potterspride. Another Russian Black Terrier who commands attention with his super size and substance. Again scored in head and neck, but at two years old and such a big boy he was giving something away in maturity. Holds himself together well with good bone and quarters but needs to fill out some more, finish growing and tidy all round in movement. Am sure he will be worth the wait.

AV Working. P (5 3) 1. Ingram’s Jojavik Devil’s Ivy. 2. Longley’s Attomic Mirror Man (AI). Outgoing fawn Boxer male of 7 months with super temperament. He was lacking body and substance all through today, but presents a clean, square outline and has all the essentials. Head is in proportion to body and pleasing eye and expression. Dry, arched neck set well into shoulders, good topline and graceful underline. Well laid shoulders and good turn of stifle. Lithe, easy mover in profile with sound, ground covering stride. Could not overcome the more developed and mature Dobermann today.

Working Group. I was very pleased with the quality of this Group. 1 . Tousent & Ingram’s Jojavik Camorra. This Dobermann did not stop showing in the Group, standing foursquare and so well balanced. 2. Goodyear’s Harvestbank Indian Summer. The Bernese Mountain Dog pressed the Dobermann hard today with her obvious quality. Occasionally straightened behind which affected topline and this cost her today. She can change places another day. 3. Weller’s 20 month old brindle Boxer bitch Hollijon Tooty Fruity for Geenawell. I really liked this quality girl who gave such a good account of herself in the Group. Very well balanced she has symmetry and style with a well shaped, typical head and charming expression. Lovely clean lines throughout with good depth and width to quarters. Pleasing height to length ratio and depth of body in profile with

 correct topline. Even gait with good propulsion from rear. She still needs to mature on and fill out into her good frame and it was here that the Dobermann and Bernese had the edge over her. 4. Allen’s Jodipas Black Ink, the puppy Rottweiler completed the quartet. I simply could not deny him a place with his super movement and good quarters.

Working Puppy Group. 1. Ingram’s Jojavik Devil’s Ivy. So elegant, feminine but with powerful, free, easy movement she simply demanded the top spot. 2. Allen’s Jodipas Black Ink. The young Rottweiler continued to move so well and I could have watched him go round all day. He couldn't match the balance of the Dobermann here. 3. Simms & Eagles’ 10 month old Siberian Husky Arcticskies Artful Dodger at Spiritmist. Striking colour, he is masculine and well covered but without exaggeration. Quite mature in outline with good prorpotions and ratios. Very pleasing width to front and standing on good bone. Not the smooth, flowing outlines of those placed above him today but gave a good account of himself on the mover. 4. Love’s Showbull Country Bumkin. The honest Tibetan Mastiff did not have the enthusiasm or showmanship of those above him, but his strong outline and developed quarters deserved reward here.

Junior Stakes (15 11). 1. Cobden’s Pendan Zelig to Alozia. Charming liver and white Pointer girl of almost 14 months who was very well put together. This was more than evident in her excellent movement, true from all angles with correct tail action. Lovely head and expression with kind eye. Lines flow easily through clean neck, good shoulder, topline , loin, and into correct hindquarters. Has just enough width of front, but needs to develop a little more fill to chest.

Very attractive girl. 2. Beer & Tilley’s Miracey Sea of Love for Tilbe. Quality, solid black Shih Tzu who commands attention. Scored highly for balance with sturdy outline and in good coat. Good angulation fore and aft held together with strong coupling and firm, correct length of back. Very pleasing head and expression she dares you to ignore her. Clean, free and unencumbered on the move with lovely drive from behind. Again she needs to fill out a little more with maturity and she pressed the Pointer very hard. The Pointer was slightly more developed in quarters which gave her the edge. Classy youngster this one. 3. Light’s Yaks-Vonavi Triumph for Faystan. Yorkshire Terrier.

Ric Beall (Eppwood)