- Show Date: 02/12/2018
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Teresa Dunsdon Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Burton On Trent Kennel Association
I was honoured to be invited to judge at this busy show in place of the Late Caroline Walkling, and what a thoughtful gesture by the Club to have the Group rosette tails specially printed in her memory.
German Shorthaired Pointers
I enjoyed judging this lovely breed for the first time, my thanks to the exhibitors for their support
Junior (4 entries, 1 absent):
1st Hammond's Seasham Love Bug, well-grown 11 months bitch with an eye-catching outline, clean head of balanced proportions, pleasing expression, moderately long & strong in neck, good front angulation, deep chest, well-ribbed & strong through loin, short enough in back, very well-developed hindquarters for her age with strongly muscled thighs, well let down behind with well-bent stifles, moving slightly wide in front but with good rear drive, BPIB
2nd Cooke & Barker's Radstorm Legal Eagle, 14 months bitch with neat outline, pleasing feminine head of good proportions, strong in neck, preferred forechest, length of upper arm & depth of chest of 1, but she was otherwise well bodied through loin with good tuck-up, particularly liked her firm topline & short back, more moderate in bend of stifle than 1 & not standing over as much ground, however moved soundly
3rd Teece's Fleetapple Florin
Post Graduate (6, 2 absent):
1st S Love Bug
2nd Burford's Pingarypoint Legolicious, 22 months bitch, liked her profile when stacked, giving an impression of power and nobility, feminine head, just a shade short in muzzle for balance, moderate length of neck, plenty of forechest and depth of chest, liked her short back, good front and rear angulation, powerful hindquarters, moved steadily & better in front than 1, but not the rear drive & carried her tail rather high
3rd R Legal Eagle
Open (6, 3 absent):
1st Burford's Pingarypoint Eye Candy JW, mature bitch, graceful in outline, very well-proportioned noble & feminine head, good length of neck with slight arch, excelled in forechest, deep body with good tuck-up, strong through loin, well muscled hindquarters with wide thighs, excellent bend of stifle, moved effortlessly with plenty of reach and drive, BOB & still moving well in the Gundog Group to take Group 4
2nd Peebles' Keigame Belle of All, another strongly-built bitch with a well balanced head & good length of neck with slight arch, excellent forechest, well angulated in front, deep & strong through body, slight tuck-up, a little longer-coupled than 1, excellent rear quarters with well muscled thighs & enough bend of stifle, but not quite the overall balance & drive of 1, RBOB
3rd Whiting's Ranger Two Rodale JW ShCM
AVNSC Gundog
Junior (6 entries, 4 absent):
1st Thompson's Moricroft Custom Made, 12 months HWV bitch, attractive head with well-shaped skull & nice amount of furnishings giving a typical "square" appearance, kind expression, moderately long & strong in neck, good forechest & front angulation, liked her length of body to height ratio & level topline, still needs to drop a little more in chest, but she is young, well-coupled through loin, moderate rear angulation & well developed thighs, moved steadily , Res Best AVNSC Gundog
2nd Harrison's Alfizsbet Pike O'Stickle Von Argyros, 12 months Hungarian Vizsla dog, liked his lean yet masculine head, good forechest & front angulation, like 1 still needs to drop a little more in chest, but has a short back & level topline, strong through loin & hindquarters with moderate bend of stifle, less settled than 1 & just needs to come together a bit more both standing and moving
Post Graduate (2, 2 absent)
Open (3, 2 absent):
1st Clarke's Kevela Keepsake at Felleywood, GWP bitch, strong in outline, feminine well-balanced head with intelligent expression, liked her length of neck & front angulation, deep chest, strong through body, firm topline, well-angulated & muscled rear, correct harsh coat, moved ok, not always stacked to show off her body proportions to advantage, but they are there! Best AVNSC Gundog
AV Gundog Veteran (7, 5 absent):
1st - Clarke's Felleywood Top Game, GWP, 10 years, impressive-looking dog in very fit condition belying his age, masculine balanced head with good furnishings, muscular neck, good front angulation, deep chest, well ribbed and firm in body, strong all through with correct length to height body proportions, well angulated hindquarters, inclined to pace setting off, but powerful mover once into his stride, pleased to award him Best Veteran Gundog
2nd - Wheatley's Wilmerella Keep Dancing With Melandroy, B/R Cocker, 8 years, in full coat, compact outline, masculine head, would prefer a tighter eye and a little more length of neck, strong bone and body, well ribbed, short-coupled, topline inclined to slope a little when stacked, nicely angulated rear, moved steadily, lovely happy temperament amply demonstrated by his ever-wagging tail
Gundog Group
Many deserving BOBs here, but accuracy of movement at the end of a long showing day was the deciding factor
Group 1 Jarvis' Lowdon Toby Larone, striking Irish Setter dog in full coat, racy & balanced in outline, most attractive long & lean yet masculine head, kindest of expressions, moderately long neck leading cleanly into well angulated front assembly, deep chest & well-coupled through loin, topline slightly sloping , good width to hindquarters & well bent stifles, moved freely with reach and drive
Group 2 Dane's Weipowa Little Bit of Good, well-balanced Weimaraner dog showing strength in outline, liked his lean head with typical aristocratic appearance & keen expression, moderately long neck, well-developed in chest, well-sprung ribs & moderate tuck-up, well-balanced in front & rear angulation with well-bent stifles, eye-catching profile stacked and did not disappoint on the move
Group 3 Oliver's Glenbrows Royal Dragon, very attractive WSS dog in rich R/W jacket, compact & symmetrical outline, well-shaped & balanced head with correct eye colour & kind expression, long & clean in neck, strong & deep through body with good front and rear angulation, well developed hindquarters, carried & used his tail well, another who put his all into his smooth movement
Group 3 P Eye Candy JW, GSP
Gundog Puppy Group
Delighted to find several quality puppies here, spoilt for choice
Puppy Group 1 Harrison's Glenbrows This Is Me, 8 months WSS dog, compact balanced outline, well proportioned head, correct length of neck leading to well-constructed front assembly, already deep & strong through body, excelled in hindquarters with wide thighs & correct moderate bend of stifle, moved so well with wagging tail showing off his merry temperament, real show-stopper who shone in strong competition & finished RBPIS, congratulations
Puppy Group 2 Young's Potterspiney Vanner, 7 months yellow Labrador dog, rather fell for the charms of this sturdily-built & well-balanced puppy, typical broad & clean-cut head with kind & intelligent expression, particularly liked his front & rear angulation, powerful neck, plenty of width to chest, well developed ribs, strong body and hindquarters, used his tail well, very playful but once he got going he moved steadily
Puppy Group 3 Romeo-Dieste's Hopevalley Morning Rainbow, 10 months FCR bitch, making a very pleasing racy outline, feminine head with well-moulded moderately broad skull & balanced length of muzzle, friendly temperament obvious in her expression & wagging tail, well-made body of good depth & length, short-coupled, well-constructed & not overdone in front and rear angulation, stood freely & moved well
Puppy Group 4 Batty's Almoor Macey Gray, 9 months Weimaraner bitch, elegant & clean in outline showing good body proportions & strength overall, feminine head, moderately long in neck leading to correct front assembly, good depth of chest for age, moderate tuck-up, firm level topline, well muscled hindquarters with good width of thigh & ample rear angulation, held herself well on the move
Teresa Dunsdon (Judge)