• Show Date: 04/01/2025
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Jane Eyeington Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 10/01/2025

Lichfield Canine Society

Lichfield Canine Society

Two Day Premier Show 4 & 5th January 2025

Judge – Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)

I would like to thank the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge at this prestigious 2 day show. It was such a shame that the weather was not kind, with much of the UK blanketed in snow. A huge thank you to all the exhibitors who ventured out, with your lovely dogs.


Puppy (1,1)

Junior (0,0)

Post Graduate (0,0)

Open (4,2) 2 lovely bitches, wishing I had 2, 1st places- splitting the proverbial hairs!!

1. Hardy & Hallam - Tokaji Memphis Belle

2 year old R&W bitch, who presented a lovely picture stood, very graceful and elegant. She is of a light build with a decent length of leg. So very feminine in all respects. Liked her head, which shows good balance, well placed hooded ears, well defined wrinkle and a dark almond eye. Good length of neck, flowing into a firm topline, nicely filled in forechest and good depth, and plenty behind the high set tail. Would prefer slightly tighter feet. Moving showed a lovely stride whilst having an aristocratic air about her. – BOB, shortlisted in a super group

2. Miss Clinton - Akmar Napatan Gold For Westlawn JW

So much to admire on this lovely 2 year old BTW bitch, of a different stamp to winner and full of quality. Lovely head proportions, super dark eye giving a keen and alert expression, ears set a little wider. Neck of good length with an aristocratic arch, good fill in of forechest, and depth, firm in her topline, slender limbs and neat feet. Moving out well - RBOB

Basset Fauve De Bretagne

Puppy (1,1)

Junior (1,1)

Post Graduate (0,0)

Open (1,0)

1. Stevenson-Bramley - Revenite Mrs Bridges

Impressive outline on this 2 year old bitch. She has a lovely flow to her when stood. Thought she had good ratios of height to length, nothing is overdone, and so very feminine. Pleasing head, with a nicely domed skull, strength to the foreface, well placed ears and a dark kind eye, giving such a lovely expression. Strong neck of the correct length, straight forelegs of good bone. Chest well developed with a good forechest and level topline. Thighs show a good width, and being short hock to heel. Keeping her outline on the move with a happy action. Presented with a harsh jacket - BOB.

Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand)

Open (2,0)

1. Bailey & Yates - Wilmit Mirabelle For Boneveon

Super Tri bitch, just shy of her second birthday. She really caught my eye and showed herself off to advantage. She presents a typical outline when stood. Feminine head, long and lean with a domed skull, with a good length to the foreface. Large dark eyes and pigmentation give a gentle expression. Strong neck flowing into a firm level topline and high set tail. Well developed through the body, with ribs carried well back. Standing on well boned limbs and tight feet. Powering around the ring with good width behind and true in front. Presented in a rough textured coat – BOB

2. Mr Bailey - Gairside Special Event For Boneveon

5 year old sable & white bitch, loved her substance and attitude. Balanced feminine head, with a lovely dark eye, well placed leathers of good length. Strong neck, to a deep brisket and well developed forechest, carrying a fraction more weight today which made her lose her topline a fraction. Super spring to the ribcage and strong loin, not quite the tail set of winner. Showed lovely drive in her profile action - RBOB

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Puppy (8,4)

1. Mr & Mrs Blyth - Priorpark River Tanjil Of Rudgesridge

Upstanding 11 month old wheaten dog, who presents such a pleasing outline. Showing good overall balance, but still needing to mature as you would expect. Strong and sturdy all through with good bone. Handsome head, with a toning round eye and moderate stop, and such expressive eyebrows! Good length of neck, into a firm topline and well set on tail, strong hindquarters which he used to drive around the ring - BP

2. Mills & Parson - Priorpark Pride And Joy To Nzuri

Litter sister to winner and very similar in her stamp. Again showing a balanced outline and with good proportions. Such a pleasing expression, her head is so feminine, with a flat skull, which is well proportioned to the foreface, with a kind eye. Strong clean neck of good length, a firm well held topline. Enough depth to the brisket and well developed in forechest. Standing on well boned limbs and compact feet. Moving soundly

3. Mr & Mrs Henshall - Leeurif Sekiamba Hakahaarli At Suhuba (Imp GRC)

Junior (6,5)

1. Miss Parsons - Priorpark’s Par The Course JW

Just loved this young lad, he is so typical in outline and sound in his construction. A bit more time to finish the picture and I think he will be a little superstar. At only 13 months old, he can turn heads. Lovely overall balance, nothing out of place. Having the desired substance and strength but in no way coarse. Masculine head, with a toning round eye, he is keen and alert to his handler. Good depth, firm topline, well boned limbs and nicely angulated fore and aft. True in his action - RBOB

Post Graduate (7,5)

1. Mrs Thomas-Bassett - Fiadma’s Stiggens

2 year old dog, who shows great strength and lovely substance all through. He is well proportioned and has a nice flow to his outline. Strong masculine head, with a flat skull , moderate stop and strength to the muzzle. His toning eye gives a gentle expression. Strong neck, deep in brisket and enough fill in of forechest, with ribs well sprung. He has super bone and nicely arched toes. Liked his hindquarters strong, wide and in firm musculature . Moving out cleanly in all directions, just lacking a little drive today

2. Mrs Hancock - Stasimelsie Mace

Nice outline on this 6 year old bitch, oh my what a super natured girl, so very happy with life, and willing to please her handler. Very feminine head, no mistaking her gender. Her expression is gentle and intelligent from her dark round eyes. Good length of neck, well sprung ribcage and a firm topline, and gentle underline, ending with an ever wagging tail. Strong muscular hindquarters. Not as settled on the move.

Limit (7,3)

1. Dawson & Parson - Priorpark Problem Solved

2 year old red wheaten dog, who is an upstanding dog, with lovely bone and substance and showing himself off to advantage. Pleasing head, flat skull, strength to the muzzle and with a keen expression from his dark round eyes. Strong neck, enough fill in of forechest, and well sprung ribcage. Stands on straight well boned forelegs onto tight feet. Well muscled and nicely angulated hindquarters. Moving out with positive footfall.

2. Miss Adderley - Tambyssa’s Tawny Sky (AI)

Much to admire on this blonde 2 year old bitch. She is such an honest, no nonsense type with a lovely flow to her outline. She has the desired strength and substance, but still retains her femininity. Nicely balanced head, with such an endearing expression. Strong neck, deep in brisket, with as well filled in forechest of good width. Holding a firm level topline. Her rear is strong and with a stifle well bent. Clean and true both fore and aft, just lost out today as she was not showing the drive, but close decision.

3. Miss Hudson - Mutoko’s Parkers Glory JW

Open (11,7)

1. Mr & Mrs Henshall - Suhuba Dream Star Sulli

Impressive and solidly built red wheaten dog, who is just shy of his 3rd birthday and looking a picture of strength and balance. When stood he has symmetry and a lovely flowing outline. Lovely head piece, with a flat skull and well placed ears, a dark inquisitive eye and strength to the muzzle. Strong neck of good length flowing into a firm well held topline, well developed in forechest with depth to the brisket. Liked his hindquarters, strong, muscular and with a good width of thigh. Moved out purposefully - BOB.

2. Miss Parsons - Ch Priorpark Poetry In Motion JW

Another super ridgeback. So much to admire on this 2 year old liver nosed bitch, she really comes into her own on the move, so free flowing and fluid. Such a feminine head, showing good balance, toning amber eyes, and a moderate stop. Good length of neck, nicely filled in forechest with straight forelegs onto tight feet. Deep in brisket, holding a firm topline, and strong wide quarters. Moved out with drive and with a ground covering action. Just fell for her kennel mate for RBOB today

3. Miss Davies - Gunthwaites Fancy Man JW

AV Import Gundog

Puppy (2,0)

1. Miss Blair - Fidelix Outrageous

See Puppy Group 4

2. Mr & Mrs Townsend - Fidelix Obsession

This 7 month old Kothals Griffon is litter brother to winner. Not quite as forward in his development at present, but time will be his friend. Liked his overall size and stamp. Masculine, and nicely balanced head. Decent length of neck, flowing into a firm topline. Just needing time to drop into himself. Not quite as collected on the move as his brother today

Junior (1,0)

1. Mr Taberer - Ansona Myriam

16 month old Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer bitch. Liked the overall balance and proportions of this bitch, she has lovely substance and desired sturdiness. Feminine head, long and lean, with an almond amber eye, giving her a kind expression. Well developed through the body, with a deep ribcage and firm topline. Presented with a harsh coat. Moving true, but seeming to lack the enthusiasm today

Post Graduate (2,1)

1. Stilgoe & Fox - Teisgol Morgana

See Gundog Group 4

Open (0,0)

AV Gundog Veteran (24)

1. Colson - Blacktoft Frozen In Time By Windyhollows (AI)

Super Flatcoated Retriever bitch, 7 years old and looking like a 2 year old. Such a happy and outgoing girl, with an ever wagging tail. She has a lovely outline, Strong yet so very elegant. Nicely moulded head, well developed through the body, with deep ribs and a firm topline. Standing on well boned limbs and tight feet. Wide quarters which she used to drive around the ring. Presented in a gleaming black coat and in firm condition - BV.

2. Ms Godden - Wintonia Hidden Gem At Quattrozampe VW

Blue roan Cocker bitch, who holds her 8 years well. Showing herself off well and beautifully presented. Such a feminine head, with good balance, lovely dark tight eye, and well place ears, all giving an endearing expression. Good length of neck, well developed in forechest and deep in brisket, a little softer in topline today. Strong hindquarters, giving a ground covering action.

3. Ms & Mr Abrahams - Adormidera Ziggy Star Dust

Gundog Group

1. Colson - Windyhollows Ragged Robin JW

Very smart and stylish 3 year old black, Flatcoat Retriever dog, who was put down is superb coat and condition. He looked most impressive in his outline, with one part flowing into the next. He has lovely substance and bone, but with nothing overdone. Typical and masculine one piece head with a dark eye and kind expression. Well developed through the body. Moving out soundly and with lovely drive

2. Clack & Eddery - Molokain Hocus Pocus

Most impressed with this 2 year old black Curly Coated Retriever bitch. Upstanding with lovely substance yet retaining her femininity. Nicely balanced wedge shaped head and dark eye. Strong neck flowing seamlessly into a firm topline. Chest is well let down and with a good spring to the ribcage. Well boned limbs and tight feet. Liked her strong hindquarters which she used to drive around the ring. Presented in a super mass of tight curls.

3. Miss Smith - Teverlarni Secret Dreams

Much appeal to this 2 year old Bracco Italiano bitch, she showed herself off with confidence and flare. She is nicely balanced with an almost square outline, lovely substance and bone. Feminine head, with divergent planes and lean. Strong through the body with the correct topline. A pleasure to watch on the move, with good extension and drive.

4. Stilgoe & Fox - Teisgol Morgana

Such an honest and sound 2 year old Portuguese Pointer bitch. Standing so true and looked a picture on the stack. Lovely overall balance and harmonious in her proportions. Typical head piece, with good ratios, defined stop, and oval toning eye. Well developed forechest, with a topline slightly sloping . Strong broad hindquarters with a nice sweep of stifle. On the move positive and true

Puppy Gundog Group

1. Sewell & Hunt - Lynwater Mad Hatter At Quattrozampe

Oh my, what an absolutely delightful babe. This 6 month old orange roan Cocker dog was a little superstar today. For one so young, he has a lovely happy go lucky attitude which showed on the move. Pleasing head, with such a kind and gentle expression. Liked his body proportions, giving him a compact outline, with lovely bone and substance already. Well developed through the body and standing on well boned limbs, and tight feet. He oozes style and joie de vivre on the move, so sound and true. Delighted to watch him later go onto win BPIS – Many congratulations.

2. Miss Bailey - Landebec Ventura

Impressive yellow Labrador dog, at 9 months old is certainly developing along the right lines. He presents a shapely outline when stood, with lovely flowing lines. Quality head, with good width to the backskull, strength to the muzzle and a kind dark eye. He stands foursquare and is workmanlike, with a good length of leg and strong, short coupled body. Moving out cleanly

3. Mrs Angus - Edelmidpoint Silhouette For Sparkenhoe

This 9 month old B&W German Shorthaired Pointer Bitch took my eye, nothing is overdone, and she has a lovely flow from nose to tail. Very feminine head, clean cut with a good length to the muzzle and a dark eye. Chest is down to the elbow, and she stands on well boned limbs. Holding her outline on the move

4. Miss Blair - Fidelix Outrageous

Shapely silhouette on this 7 month old Korthals Griffon dog. He really showed his socks off today with lovely body lines and balance. Masculine head, of good length, and well furnished. His toning eye is keen and alert to his handler. Good length of neck flowing into a firm well held topline. Free and flowing in his movement.